A Fellow Gp32'er Returns :)

GP32 Kirby

May 30, 2003
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Hi! Long time no see GP32'ers! Sorry for disappearing for quite awhile, I was worried my account died out or something but it turns out it's still here so that's a relief :) I havent been around since I wasnt finding anything exciting happening on the GP32 scene (well, not to my interests to say the least) so I've been doing lots of other stuff during my "break" away from the GP32 community, and man, my GP32 needs dust-cleaned :P

Well since I dunno if anything new has been happening at all since I only just returned, I'm gonna quick-fire several questions, so please give me the word on what's happening ;)

1. Any exciting new emulator work/progress since I've been gone? (LittleJohn? Any greately improved SNES emus, or a public Genesis emulator..? :D)

2. What's the story on those "simple-to-use" game making tools for GP32? (The RPG engine/makers, or anything else?)

3. Is the Great Giana Sisters still a living project, or has it been cancled? If it didnt die out, is it finished yet, or is there a rough ETA when the author behind it plans to bring it out to public? I've been looking forward to that game :)

4. Any new hardware mod breakthroughs in the GP32 scene since I left? The last time I saw one it was applying some 300-500MHz CPU Processor into the GP32 or what.. I cant exactly remember what it was, something to do with that :P

5. Any fully optimized MIDI players for the GP32 out there? I remember an old one I tried Chui made, but it slow down/lagged when too many instruments played at one time :(

Well, that's just about all I can ask for now.. please give me all the details and thanks a lot! :D :D :D
Ok i'll try to answer from what i gathered in these couple weeks. :D

1. I heard Little John is getting an upgrade and a new version of fGen is coming out soon! Supposed to be fast and maybe sound supported! :D
2. Search the forums for the details. The news are pretty recent.
3. Sorry, no idea.
4. Not that i know of but maybe....
5. I think there is a new midi player but i might be wrong... Search the download section.

I hope this helped :lol:
1. Were you around at the "Another 15 days competition"? If you weren't, then you missed Yoyo's "secret project" (heard about that even?), which was a SNES emulator. Verry fast, open source, and with savestates. Also, there should be a fGen that works verrry fast w/o sound releast in two days.

2. Skeezix is making some simple scripting multiplatform (Zodiac, PC, Palm, Linux, GP32) game thing called ZOT, Chui ported another scriptiong thing called Fenix, and Pirotic is getting nearer making Gigas Engine a complete RPG Engine.

3. Version 0.9 has been released for GP32! Goto http://www.gianas-return.de/.

4. Voltage mod to get non-166MhZ GP32s to go 166, and 32MB mod to put 32MB RAM.

5. Dunno
1. Yoyo released OS9xGP. He then released another version which is the latest (0.2). He says he's now implementing the ASM CPU core to increase speed by 1.5x to 2.0. And, most likely, it'll be entered into GABX2004.

A new version of NeoGP32 was released in another 15 days compo which has some slight speed improvements and I think some other small features (still no sound). No other news has been heard since then.

Squidge, author of GPdrive, has announced that he's working on a GEN EMU.

fGEN is going to be released publically in two days and it'll be almost full speed without sound on FS 0 on some games (Sonic 2).

There have also been some announcements of new GBA emulators, one of which sounds to be very promising.

2. Pirotic updated his rpg engine and added some new things (No sound or battle system yet. It's still in early stages). Skeezix is also making ZOT and Chui prted Fenix.

3. A public demo was finally released awhile back and it rocked.

4. Someone modified their own non-FLU to make it FLU. Mash Mods, a service many have used and have said is reliable, offers the voltage mod so that you can OC to 166mhz. the glass screen mod so that your screen won't scratch as easily and will be more clear, and the button mod which fixes the unresponsiveness in the L, R, A, and B buttons.

5. Nope.

OT: 2000th post!
There's been a surge of quality homebrew games in the last 6 months - look up Giana's Return, Beats of Rage, GPFinalWar, Xigon One, PerfectFit and GPSquares to start.

Also the new backlit unit for the imminent (I swear, it is this time) European release
New Fgen has a ASM cpu core so its full speed just no sound.

there has been a new mp3/wma player not midi but alot of windows media player files around :P

also the ZOT thing is a engine made for people who have the skills or making html or higher to make games like gauntlet RPG etc

the Fenix is a cross platform scripting language to make your own games quite a few good games have been ported to the gp32 using the gp32 fenix runtime.

yeah and there is a BLU out soon which looks quite nice :)

yeah mashmods popped up somewhere and now alot of ppl r getting the gp32's sent there for well u guessed it mods :P

Oh and GPCINEMA is Free for the euro launch so u get free movie player :D

its not out yet very soon ;)

ummm yeah theres BOR (Beats Of Rage) which is a streets of rage engine a few ppl r making mods but it had a megaman mod and a castlevania mod all very cool :)

There has been a few ppl starting to sell chatboards

and the best?

3D CAR GAMES :D yeah Mith has made a new 3d engine and is making a sega rally game

also some1 else Daz_genetic or is it generic? yeah he's doing a Mode7 3d kinda game looks good as i got to test a FXE when he had trouble with the flicker issue on the gamepark SDK

ummm..... i dont know what else???

absolutely ALLSORTS of things have been happening... just hit the 'show all new posts' button... muhahahaha!

no midi player though, i think...

edit: welcome back, kirby :P

Sorry, got one more question I forgot to ask (Damn, doncha just hate it when you knew you forgot one more thing to say? :P)

6. Any Flash players for GP32 yet? :unsure:
GP32 Kirby posted on Apr 25 2004 at 01:52 PM said:

Sorry, got one more question I forgot to ask (Damn, doncha just hate it when you knew you forgot one more thing to say? :P)

6. Any Flash players for GP32 yet? :unsure:
Nope :).
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