GP2X A Drum Machine On Gp2x...


Still Fresh
Mar 12, 2006

I think it would be great to see a (live) drum machine on the gp2x, like the rebirth338 on pc. First versions of rebirth worked well on a pentium 166, and I know this type of software exists on Palm, DS, PSP, GP32...even gameboy!

so maybe it's possible to create a thing like that on the GP2X? as a (home :P ) musician-dj, I would be very happy to donate/pay for a such program!


demether from france
demether posted on Mar 26 2006 at 06:37 PM said:
I think it would be great to see a (live) drum machine on the gp2x, like the rebirth338 on pc. First versions of rebirth worked well on a pentium 166, and I know this type of software exists on Palm, DS, PSP, GP32...even gameboy!

so maybe it's possible to create a thing like that on the GP2X? as a (home :P ) musician-dj, I would be very happy to donate/pay for a such program!

I don't know about creating something as sophisticated as rebirth on the GP2X (it would take a long time to write). I actually looked at producing something more tracker-like before, but I got busy doing other things. Maybe sometime next week I'll release a preview if it doesn't take too long to make it more usable. A+
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A sound tracker would be a excellent news! I still an octamed sstudio v1 fan on my a1200 ;)

if it 's got some "live" features (like buttons shortcuts to start-end sequences/ryhtmes, etc...), it will be even better :lol:

thank you
Oh yeah !
A tracker programmed by Critical, I'll follow this one closely (I mean ... de près).
I tried many ones on Uae4all. A lot of them run but the sound in Uae4all is still a problem for those.
I was thinking about emulation too, but even if everything worked correctly, we still had the interface problem!

I think the "controls thing" is the most important on a gp2x tracker project, to make it "live performance friendly"

for example, sample editing (feature we can see in most of the sound trackers) is not essential, because we can work on our samples instruments on the pc or mac, and put them on the SD to play on the gp2x!

Easy bpm fixing, on/off tracks, start-stops (like on turntables), easy loops, easy controls and other realtime track-patterns-songs editing features (I don't say "realtime processing features"), that is essential I think.

A beat-pitch counter (with a big flashing led , synchronized with the beat, for example) would be great for help mixing with turntables!

By the way, if you need beta test...I'm here :lol:

thank you

n0stromo have programmed the LittleGPTracker (a.k.a 'The piggy') for Gp32.
He said he will port it for Gp2X. You can test it with its Win32 Version that comes with his archive.
I tried it, and feel like it's not complete (sounds have to be named sound0, sound1... Interface could be better, but it's a very nice begining)

Little piggy Tracker
virusx posted on Mar 27 2006 at 11:53 AM said:
n0stromo have programmed the LittleGPTracker (a.k.a 'The piggy') for Gp32.
He said he will port it for Gp2X. You can test it with its Win32 Version that comes with his archive.
I tried it, and feel like it's not complete (sounds have to be named sound0, sound1... Interface could be better, but it's a very nice begining)

Little piggy Tracker
Looks promising. Hopefully he'll save up enough to buy a GP2X, then sort out the missing stuff. I might do a tiny bit more work on the thing I was playing with anyway, just for fun (as it's all just for fun, of course :))
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critical posted on Mar 27 2006 at 12:31 PM said:
...I might do a tiny bit more work on the thing I was playing with anyway, just for fun (as it's all just for fun, of course :))

I really like the way you say that ;)
I just love this kind of "fun" :lol:
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I've tidied up the project I'd been looking at a while ago and it's available to play with if you want.

EDIT: now in file archive:,1,0,0,6,1413


Text from the readme:

GP2X Tracker 0.1.0

This is the first release of a bit of a hack to
David Olofson's DT-42 DrumToy code, which is released
under the GPL. All of his docs are in the 'doc' dir
that was distributed along with this.

His website page for that is:

My modified source is in in the archive you're reading
this from.

This port was done by critical (


Put the files onto your SD card in the same directory
(you don't need the doc dir, or

The buttons to use whilst running it are:

Joystick Left/Right - Prev/Next step
L/R - Prev/Next bar
Joystick Up/Down - Prev/next track
Start - Start/Stop playing toggle
A - Record/Edit
Y - Loop mode toggle
X - Delete note under cursor
B - Add note at volume 7
Select - Exit

A lot needs to be done to make this more usable, but it's not a bad base.
critical posted on Mar 27 2006 at 02:11 PM said:
I've tidied up the project I'd been looking at a while ago and it's available to play with if you want.

Oh you beauty!

It was only a day ago that I was thinking to myself, I wish there was music creating software for the GP2x. I used to absolutely live on ModTracker back in the day, and subsequently FastTracker.

I cannot wait to give this a go! Damn, is it home time yet? Hurry up, clock!
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TheFr00n posted on Mar 27 2006 at 02:49 PM said:
critical posted on Mar 27 2006 at 02:11 PM said:
I've tidied up the project I'd been looking at a while ago and it's available to play with if you want.

Oh you beauty!

It was only a day ago that I was thinking to myself, I wish there was music creating software for the GP2x. I used to absolutely live on ModTracker back in the day, and subsequently FastTracker.

I cannot wait to give this a go! Damn, is it home time yet? Hurry up, clock!
Don't get your hopes up too much... it's a playable demo more than anything at the moment, and certainly not a full proper tracker (yet).
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critical posted on Mar 27 2006 at 03:15 PM said:
Don't get your hopes up too much... it's a playable demo more than anything at the moment, and certainly not a full proper tracker (yet).
Nips :( Still gonna play with it, though.

We shall be watching you very closely.
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Really nice Tracker-like. Easy to score fast on this.
I hope that the editing part will be that good !
Great job Critical, I like your definition of "a playable demo" :)
virusx posted on Mar 27 2006 at 12:53 PM said:
n0stromo have programmed the LittleGPTracker (a.k.a 'The piggy') for Gp32.
He said he will port it for Gp2X. You can test it with its Win32 Version that comes with his archive.
I tried it, and feel like it's not complete (sounds have to be named sound0, sound1... Interface could be better, but it's a very nice begining)

Little piggy Tracker

To let peepz up to date, got a GP2x now, hacked my way and got a sub-alpha version. Something is still resisting me as it goes in underrun as soon as I play more than 4 channels. Does not make really a lot of sense since 8 channels only take 69% of the cpu resources of the GP32. So either I've fucked up my build (like I'm not running optimization right) but Ich don't think so.. either some process is killing my CPU power.. I was wondering how SDL is implemented with that respect, if it goes idle while no event is generated or if it is running continuoulsy and hogging the resources. Need more time to investigate. For the moment I've gone back to implement some features for the existing version but I'll go back to it very soon.

I'm still not sure how I feel about the 2X.. the sound quality is certainly wayyy up the GP32 (Subbass !!! yeah) but I'm not a big fan of the stick not the default boot time :)

Anyway, I'll let people know about any beta release coming up !

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M-.-n posted on Mar 27 2006 at 04:03 PM said:
I'm still not sure how I feel about the 2X.. the sound quality is certainly wayyy up the GP32 (Subbass !!! yeah) but I'm not a big fan of the stick not the default boot time :)
Yeah, the boot time's lousy until you flash with theoddbot's cramfs. It's seriously worth doing that, especially if you're developing a lot. Getting serial over USB is excellent too - you can run gdb on the GP2X to aid debugging a lot!

I did actually get used to the GPH stick, but replaced it with DaveC's a couple of weeks ago and it's much better.

Is your project Open Source? I'm always curious about how others are doing things. Anyway, hope you solve your problems with the audio output, and I'm looking forward to the release :)
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the boot-time: not a problem with theoddbot's cramfs. not exactly 'instant' like the gp32, but nevertheless: 9 seconds is good. i don't even notice.

lgpt's performance problems: i suspect your build environment, marc. maybe you wanna post the details of your gcc so we can inspect whats going on .. 'gcc -dumpspecs' and 'gcc -v' ..

oh, and fwiw, midishare is close, very close .. with this plus USB+USB-MIDI interface, you can use your gp2x to rock the MIDI socks ..
torpor posted on Mar 27 2006 at 05:20 PM said:
oh, and fwiw, midishare is close, very close .. with this plus USB+USB-MIDI interface, you can use your gp2x to rock the MIDI socks ..
Are there any apps available to use with midishare?

EDIT: there's a new thread for GP2X Tracker in the news section now:

If anyone has any input into that, please could you post there instead of here... this thread could be kept more general then :)
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thank you a lot, this tracker is already a great beginning!

I hope you'll add some new features soon, and that your work will inspire some other coders...and I 'm waiting for litllegptracker too! ;)

thank you again

demether posted on Mar 27 2006 at 06:10 PM said:
thank you a lot, this tracker is already a great beginning!
I hope you'll add some new features soon, and that your work will inspire some other coders...and I 'm waiting for litllegptracker too! ;)
You're welcome. It would be great to get a full-featured tracker app that is usable with the limited input controls of the GP2X... we'll see what happens. Bring on the others :)
Last edited by a moderator: one else is interested in a handled music station software? what about Little gp tracker?
