A battery charge meter problem


Still Fresh
Mar 26, 2012
Ive been having some problems with my battery charge meter. Today it showed 11% left in the battery and then suddenly dropped to 5% which came with an alerting dialog of automatic shut-down. I canceled it and though I had (as the meter shower 20 min till the full discharge occurs) however right after that the battery charge meter showed ''00:00 with 00%'' left and I quickly connected it to the mains charger, but system suddenly shut it self off (without a proper OS shutdown).

What would be the best solution to remedy this inaccurate battery charge meter problem so I don't have to risk loosing all my data or worse...? I want to find a way to reset the battery or the batter charge meter (as I read it does it every time I re-insert the battery), but does it mean i have to have have already considerably charged battery or battery with little charge or... how?

Once Ive tried to re-set the charger meter that way with battery which had ''100% charged'' status and after the reboot it showed ''75% charged'' status... What is really a problem here?

Btw, I am using Super Zaxxon Beta 2

Thanks in advance.
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Your unit is new, is it ?

If yes, i think the battery sometimes needs to be calibrated, with full charge and full discharge. Should be ok in a few cycles.

It's done automagically.
Could also be the not-quite-fitting battery problem. Take a bit of tissue or toilet paper, folded and pressed between the battery and lid to give it a bit more support against the contacts. The batteries are pretty good but have a couple of millimetre variance from one to the next. It doesn't seem like a lot, but half a millimetre can mean the difference between a solid connection and a weak one.
^ Isn't there foam on the battery-covers, now, or did I just imagine Link mentioning that in another thread?
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While I used to read every thread that passed by, I've had to greatly cut back in the last half year or so, so it's entirely possible it's been said and I didn't catch it :P
Thanks for all replies, yes indeed i got my pandora last week, I have recharged it fully (discharge and charge) only few times, I am sure its going to be fine :) I doubt I need to apply any paper (wouldn't that just over-bend the contacts if pressure is too great?), cause it turned on just fine after I gave battery a little rest and after full charge it gave me ''11:15 and 100%'' so i think everything is just swell ^_^ Applied the latest ''SuperZaxxon Beta 3'' too, so I'll get even more out of my battery :D
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