Certified Guru
Please place all bug reports for 2xQuake here (they're starting to get scattered around at the moment and when I come to fix things I'll miss stuff if it's not all in one place). Include if the bug is with the shareware or full version. Don't bother posting if all you've got to say is 'me too', but if someone reports a bug and you don't agree with them then please let me know (it may only effect certain configurations). Also I'm only concerned with the main game at the moment (both shareware and full versions), not mods.
Ok, bugs I know about so far -
Only works with the full version (both pak0.pak and pak1.pak installed). The shareware version (only pak0.pak) will work until an episode is selected.
barnesy has reported returning to the gp2x menu on 'harmful floors' (can you confirm exactly what sort of floors have been causing the crash - is it just lava, or does it happen with water too?).
TheTurnipKing reports the water leading to episode 4 causes a return to the gp2x menu.
Ok, bugs I know about so far -
Only works with the full version (both pak0.pak and pak1.pak installed). The shareware version (only pak0.pak) will work until an episode is selected.
barnesy has reported returning to the gp2x menu on 'harmful floors' (can you confirm exactly what sort of floors have been causing the crash - is it just lava, or does it happen with water too?).
TheTurnipKing reports the water leading to episode 4 causes a return to the gp2x menu.