2xquake Bug Reports


Certified Guru
May 15, 2003
Newark, UK
Please place all bug reports for 2xQuake here (they're starting to get scattered around at the moment and when I come to fix things I'll miss stuff if it's not all in one place). Include if the bug is with the shareware or full version. Don't bother posting if all you've got to say is 'me too', but if someone reports a bug and you don't agree with them then please let me know (it may only effect certain configurations). Also I'm only concerned with the main game at the moment (both shareware and full versions), not mods.

Ok, bugs I know about so far -

Only works with the full version (both pak0.pak and pak1.pak installed). The shareware version (only pak0.pak) will work until an episode is selected.

barnesy has reported returning to the gp2x menu on 'harmful floors' (can you confirm exactly what sort of floors have been causing the crash - is it just lava, or does it happen with water too?).

TheTurnipKing reports the water leading to episode 4 causes a return to the gp2x menu.
I have been unable to load a save game. The save file was written to the SD card, however when I try to load a ton of errors scrol by on the screen.
When do you try loading? Is it during the same game of quake (ie. you save, play for a bit and die, then try to load the last save), or is it after doing something else for a while? And do you always exit quake from the menu or do you sometimes switch off after saving? Can you open the saved game on your pc in a text editor or do you get errors about a corrupt file?
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barnesy has reported returning to the gp2x menu on 'harmful floors' (can you confirm exactly what sort of floors have been causing the crash - is it just lava, or does it happen with water too?).
I've had another look. Seems that was another weak error report! :P It seems to crash immediately when I step onto the water near the start of level 2 on the first episode. But if I go onto the water on the first level, my health drops as it should, but the game keeps on runing until it crashes when I die. Getting killed by the bad guys seems to work OK. I've not made it as far as any lava yet.
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barnesy has reported returning to the gp2x menu on 'harmful floors' (can you confirm exactly what sort of floors have been causing the crash - is it just lava, or does it happen with water too?).
I've had another look. Seems that was another weak error report! :P It seems to crash immediately when I step onto the water near the start of level 2 on the first episode. But if I go onto the water on the first level, my health drops as it should, but the game keeps on runing until it crashes when I die. Getting killed by the bad guys seems to work OK. I've not made it as far as any lava yet.

Save game state has worked for me , game saved near the beginning of the necropolis chapter.

There is lava on the way to the hard skill hall when you begin the game, fall into the lava there and get booted back to the GP2X desktop. Haven't experienced a problem in the water, will try to replicate.

To get the information/status bar to show, I need to go to options, double screen size on, the off, info/status bar pops up, return to game and play on.

:lol: 11.23am This might help, just did the last sentence above and restarted the game, jumped in the lava and instead of crashing saw my health plummit and then i died, but the game did not CRASH!. It had done on the five previous occassions when the information/status bar wasn't on screen. :lol:

And furthermore I can restart the game without a problem,the status/info bar is there now, jump in lava and die properly the bug appears to have gone. :D

I am running pak.0 and pak.1 from the retail version of quake which I bought and downloaded directly from idsoftware last night.
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Good call! I found I was getting that same crash on lava as well as water, but changing those settings seems to have stopped it crashing.

edit - I think the difference is in the screen size setting. Turning double size on and off seems to have the same effect as dropping the screen size by one, so the status bar showing ammo info is on screen.
Saved games work fine, but settings aren't saved (should they be?) Its quite annoying to reset the controls to my preferences every time :rolleyes:
The water crash only happens for me in deep water where the view would be going below the surface. Shallow water can be walked in with no crash.
hangs when trying to quit (could be that you haven't include the quit funtion yet ;) )
Saved games work fine, but settings aren't saved (should they be?) Its quite annoying to reset the controls to my preferences every time :rolleyes:
Settings are saved when you select quit from the menu. Are you doing that or just switching off?

hangs when trying to quit (could be that you haven't include the quit funtion yet ;) )
Nope, quit should work fine. Are you running quake.gpe or qlaunch.gpe? qlaunch is a shell script that should call the gp2x menu again once quake exits. If you're just running the main exe (quake.gpe) then the menu will never be reloaded and it will appear that quake is hanging.
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Nope, quit should work fine. Are you running quake.gpe or qlaunch.gpe? qlaunch is a shell script that should call the gp2x menu again once quake exits. If you're just running the main exe (quake.gpe) then the menu will never be reloaded and it will appear that quake is hanging.

You're right. I didn't understand your readme right and put the qlaunch.gpe and the quake folder in a folder also named quake. Couldn't launch qlaunch then. ;) Sorry about bothering you with that.
I'm having trouble with saves.

I can save and load during play but if I quit and comeback it will not let me load any of them (it hangs) except the very first one.

Interestingly if I save over the first saved game state it is not reflected when I quit and come back into the game. The original state is there which I saved at the very beginning of the game. I have saved over it several times but no go.

I have also looked at the files on my PC, the first one looks different from the rest, the others seem corrupt, or at least there's a whole heap of gibberish whereas the first one is readable the whole way through.

Anyone having similar problems or any ideas why this is happening?
I know this isn't a bug and you probably don't want it posted here but could you make L and R strafe and make it so you can navigate the menu without clicking the directional stick.
You can configure the in game keys within the game. I know this because I let someone use my gp2x the other day, and now my quake controls have been reampped all over the place! That still leaves the menu click thing you requested, but that's not so hard to get used to.