"2nd Pass, First-pass" Compression Divx

Oct 31, 2004
Deep inside some morbidly obese hobo.
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I've noticed a long time ago while making an encoding mistake, that "2nd pass, first-pass" DiVX compression is about 5 times smaller than that of what you need to encode for the GP32 [first pass]. I came back to it and it seems its not possible for the GP Cinema, so with this topic I'm asking if theres any divx player or will be any divx player for the GP32 that will support this type or if there will be any updates for GP Cinema that will be compatible with that type, and plus I'm trying to bring this type of compression into view for anybody who might be coding for a divx player. I don't code, but does it take too much memory for that format?? I would gladly pay $20 or so if one did come out. It would be a dream come true to have 8 hours of music videos on one SMC or all the ZIM on one SMC [128mb, of course...]. Facts and thoughts???

Who told you these rubbish?! :blink:

Encoding in 2 pass isn't 5 times smaller, it's nearly the same size, just that it's more optimised.

And YES GP Cinema reads very well the movies encoded in 2 pass and NO it's not a FORMAT, AVI is one and DIVX is a COMPRESSION.

Hope to have been clear. ;)
Goity posted on Dec 12 2004 at 02:48 PM said:
hahahahahaha, what a load of sh*te, 2 pass works perfectly on gpcinema
Huh? I've tried it more than once and it didn't work on mine. And the 2nd pass... did you go to advanced settings for the video codec? I'm sure that it is at least three times smaller than the first pass settings, unless something wacky was going on with the computer... :(
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Are you actually executing both passes? 2 pass encoding means the first pass analyses the file, then the second pass creates the optimised movie. It sounds like you've selected 2 pass encoding, but are trying to play the output from the first pass.