2nd Batch...?


Still Fresh
Feb 17, 2009
Anyone read the email? quite probably, that said the second batch won't be available for several months... I was just wondering if those guys at Pandora-HQ had a time-scale on that yet? 2-3 months? 4-6?
I can't quite justify ordering a first batch Pandora right now for several reasons, financial and otherwise, but would like one before around August, if that's not likely to happen though, maybe I should just suck it up and get on the band wagon for the first batch...

(Sorry for any repeating posts, having written this I porbably should have searched first)


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'balthasar' said:
Anyone read the email? quite probably, that said the second batch won't be available for several months... I was just wondering if those guys at Pandora-HQ had a time-scale on that yet? 2-3 months? 4-6?
I can't quite justify ordering a first batch Pandora right now for several reasons, financial and otherwise, but would like one before around August, if that's not likely to happen though, maybe I should just suck it up and get on the band wagon for the first batch...

(Sorry for any repeating posts, having written this I porbably should have searched first)


Umm.. sorry to burst your bubble, but I think the first batch orders ended last Friday.

-God Ginrai
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'balthasar' said:
Anyone read the email? quite probably, that said the second batch won't be available for several months... I was just wondering if those guys at Pandora-HQ had a time-scale on that yet? 2-3 months? 4-6?
I can't quite justify ordering a first batch Pandora right now for several reasons, financial and otherwise, but would like one before around August, if that's not likely to happen though, maybe I should just suck it up and get on the band wagon for the first batch...

(Sorry for any repeating posts, having written this I porbably should have searched first)


If I had to guess -- and this is pure speculation -- I would say 3-4 months. There has been enough interest and demand shown in this device for another batch to be made without too much of a delay. The amount of media coverage the Pandora will get is going to be explosive, and so I predict a third (and probably larger) batch to follow the second without an egregious amount of time passing in between.

By that time, the software base will have grown and will be actively attracting new dev's. Man I can't WAIT to explain to people what a Pandora is. They're going to get a first-hand experience with the virtues of open source!
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It's going to take a couple of months for all of us guinea pigs to shake it down and find if there are any serious consumer issues with it then there`s another month atleast of corrections to software and producing more parts for manufacturing so it's gotta be atleast 4 months realistically.

of course if they really have to do the whole "we need money first to pay for making more" before they can and they still cant take creditcard orders there`ll be trouble getting it out that soon.
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'Alpha2' said:
It's going to take a couple of months for all of us guinea pigs to shake it down and find if there are any serious consumer issues with it then there`s another month atleast of corrections to software and producing more parts for manufacturing so it's gotta be atleast 4 months realistically.

of course if they really have to do the whole "we need money first to pay for making more" before they can and they still cant take creditcard orders there`ll be trouble getting it out that soon.
Second batch will be ready when its ready. A rough guess is 4 months + X + Y where X and Y are unkowns. X represents the time before the 1st batch is ready and Y is the time for unforseen delays in the second batch.
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