Chaotic Neutral
Looks like things just got serious in the news thread
I'll take that as a good sign...
I'm not bothered about politicking here, I was just surprised to hear that the Chinese government would care about a small business and back it up. If that's the case, then that's the case... colour me surprised, is all.I didn't wanted to start a political debate, my statement was only meant for the different business side of things there and here.
Chinese companies often benefit from big subsidies and support by the gouvernment. So this makes it extra hard for western companies to compete. This is what I call unfair.
Whether one can, or have reason to, are two different matters.Because we can abandon our source of income, friends, family, and house in order to try to build up a new life from scratch on our own in a country with a very different language, writing system, culture, and laws we have no reason to complain? What is your reasoning behind that? It seems to me that we would have the right to stay were we build up our lives and have our friends and family and still get treated properly. If I come to your house every night and wake you up by making a lot of noise, do you have no right to complain because you can just go live in another house?
No I didn't! I wish I had thats great, thank you!