15 Day Comp

I can tell you what's wrong - your modem/router/firewall/internet settings is stopping the referrer scripts from running properly - result: any download from gp32emu won't work. Or from pdroms, for that matter. Or lots of other places.

Unfortuantely, unless its in the internet settings area of wossname I can't tell you how to fix it. Actually, I can't tell you how even then, but usually if the problem is there its just a matter of trawling throught preferences/internet options until you find it. Also try disabling your firewall... if the problem is in your router, though, you're in the same boat as me, and can't get anything from there... Sorry.
QUOTE: Was there a 15 day coding comp last year? If there was can you still get the entries that were entered?

nope this is the first year it's been done
Just turn for firewall off while you grab the files - rememeber to turn it back on when you've got everything!
