A new name for Combustion Studios


Certified Guru
Apr 6, 2003

Just to let people know, due to a few problems with the previous name, we have been forced to change the name of Combustion Studios to AeonFlame.

I hope this doesn't seem like spam, only I have had several e-mails saying that my site is down, when the name has actually been changed.

The new site for GlooP, GlooP Deluxe, and Simplicity for Palm, is www.aeonflame.com

Please update your bookmarks :)

The old name was fine, I was rather attached to it.

Unfortunately, there was another Combustion Studios - www.combustionstudios.com - who basically told us to change it, as they owned the trademark to the name, so we grudgingly obliged.

We did a fair bit of searching this time, and AeonFlame isn't in use, so hopefully we should be safe for the near future :)

On a side note, does anyone know how to register a business name within the UK? Just so we can't have this one taken from us :)
