128GB SD Help

Majin Wamu

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Feb 10, 2014
Hello everyone. I just recently picked up a cheap 128GB SD card. I have tested the card using h2testw 1.4 and it is pretty genuine. It does not have a brand name or anything. It just says 128GB fast speed on the front. I copied several pnds and games over to the SD card. The strange thing was the Pandora read that the card was inserted and I was able to go through the files, but the Pandora was unable to display any of the pnds. I was able to play the roms that was on the SD but I was unable to edit anything on the card through the Pandora. I installed gparted and created a 32GB partition and now the SD card works properly; however I was unable to make the other partitions work at all.

My question is: is there a way to make this SD card work completely? and is there a way to make the other partitions work. Every time I make a new partition gparted seems to just say it is an unknown format, even though I keep formatting the partition as fat32. I hope my question is clear. If someone who is willing to help needs more information just ask and I will supply it. I would appreciate any help at this point. I would like to use the full capacity of the 128 gigabytes.
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have you tried formatting it in ext2 or ext4 ? 
No not yet. Is that better? I didn't even think of doing that to be honest. I will give it a shot. Now are you talking about formatting the whole card? or just the partitions?
Well FAT32 is the worst format you can choose to format a high capacity card :P It's not even made for high capacity (even though it should work in theory). Ext2 and ext4 and linux standards so you should use them as much as possible. Note that a Windows computer will not be able to read ext2/4 partitions, though. 

Yeah, I'd format the whole card if I were you in ext2 or 4. 
Well FAT32 is the worst format you can choose to format a high capacity card :P It's not even made for high capacity (even though it should work in theory). Ext2 and ext4 and linux standards so you should use them as much as possible. Note that a Windows computer will not be able to read ext2/4 partitions, though. 

Yeah, I'd format the whole card if I were you in ext2 or 4. 
oh wow! Yeah then I messed up big time. I just did fat32 because that what is recommended, and I formatted my other cards to that size. Great...I guess I will have to start over. Oh well.  Thank you so much. I will try it out sooner or later and let you know if it worked or not.
I will try it out sooner or later and let you know if it worked or not
Yeah, please come back and let us know, because maybe that won't solve the issue. But I'd still suggest you try that first.  
Yeah I am working on it right now. I will let you know what will happen. I have transferred all of the data to another working SD card. I will let you know the results in a bit. It is formatting as we speak but because of its large space it takes a while.
I SOLVE IT! I don't know why I didn't do this before because it is one of the better formats to use! I learned this from my Networking and Server classes but I formatted it to NTFS! That is one of the best formats to use because it is compatible with many different features such as partitioning and virtual drives. I don't know why I didn't try this in the first place. Now I can install apps and do normal Pandora and Windows things!

After testing around with the newly formatted 128GB SD card I found out that I can install new apps and run them and they work fine. I can edit files in the SD card now BUT if I was to remove the SD card at all, all the installed app will no longer work when the SD card is inserted back into the Pandora. I don't know a fix for this and it is very strange that this will happen. For some reason each time the SD card is remounted it seems to corrupt only the pnds. The roms are all fine.
It could be that the name of your card changes whenever you insert your card. Did you check if the name of the volume was constant?
We are close to figuring this out. It's an excellent learning experience for me. Okay so I how do I check if the name of the volume stays constant? If we can figure this out, we may be able to solve the case!
in terminal :

cd /media


check the names displayed for your volumes. 

unmount your card. Put it again. In terminal : 

cd /media


and see if the name is changing or not. 

If not, I'd recommend you try with ext2 formatting next :)
You can test some issues with the corruption by opening a terminal and running "sync". That will wait until all write operations are complete before exiting. Should prevent any corruption.
Or install the exFAT driver on your Pandora and it should read the card 'out of the box'.

Just a thought.
You can test some issues with the corruption by opening a terminal and running "sync". That will wait until all write operations are complete before exiting. Should prevent any corruption.
Or install the exFAT driver on your Pandora and it should read the card 'out of the box'.

Just a thought.
Alright I can give these a shot. Who would had thought a 128 GB could cause so much trouble. I read somewhere on another SD topic that the pandora just might not be able to handle some 128 GB SD cards.
You can test some issues with the corruption by opening a terminal and running "sync". That will wait until all write operations are complete before exiting. Should prevent any corruption.
Or install the exFAT driver on your Pandora and it should read the card 'out of the box'.

Just a thought.
Alright I can give these a shot. Who would had thought a 128 GB could cause so much trouble. I read somewhere on another SD topic that the pandora just might not be able to handle some 128 GB SD cards.
I notice you've been rather cryptic on what brand of card this is and where you got it from - those would be good information bits to have.
You can test some issues with the corruption by opening a terminal and running "sync". That will wait until all write operations are complete before exiting. Should prevent any corruption.
Or install the exFAT driver on your Pandora and it should read the card 'out of the box'.

Just a thought.
Alright I can give these a shot. Who would had thought a 128 GB could cause so much trouble. I read somewhere on another SD topic that the pandora just might not be able to handle some 128 GB SD cards.
I notice you've been rather cryptic on what brand of card this is and where you got it from - those would be good information bits to have.
Well I mentioned earlier it has no name and I got it from China. It just says 128 GB on the cover and that's all. Sorry I wish I knew more about it. It is just a cheap Chinese brand.