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  1. T

    Time To Move On

    my FLU's up for sale on ebay in anyones interested. In excellent condition, never found time to use it much.
  2. T

    Suggestions For Gpmagazine-six?

    Do an interview with Pirotic and ask how his cps emu is coming along
  3. T

    I Need Gp Drive!

    You can still use XP to connect to your GP32 if you use the XP USB driver from here: One you can connect you'll be able to install GPdrive get it here:
  4. T

    Whats Happened To The Extended Compo??

    It it cos they might sell more BLU's because of the exitement generated by the entries?. Im not trying ot be inflammatory but i see no other reason.
  5. T

    Whats Happened To The Extended Compo??

    What do the BLU's have to do with the comp?
  6. T

    Where Are You From?

    Adelaide, South Australia
  7. T

    Mashmods Is Down!

    maybe they tried to mod their server :)
  8. T


    use Xvid to encode for GP32, you dont have to use Divx4 also I noticed when I installed AutoGordian Knot the other day that it installed an extra xvid+divx5 codec with a different 4cc code. Maybe try installing that then install divx 4.12, they should all co-exist.
  9. T

    KOF91 fcs

    I did need the full package, works great now!
  10. T

    KOF91 fcs

    It doesnt run for me, just resets my GP32. Im running the European firmware - could that be the cause? Is this happening to anyone else?
  11. T

    N64 Emulator?

    There are quite a few good N64 emu's for xbox
  12. T

    Ok to play without protective screen?

    It'll burn your eyes, watch out!! :)
  13. T

    GP32 Newstart

    I was getting that when I had the paths for both devkitadvance and minigp32 set. try removing devkitadvance from the environment
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    Tutorial competition

    Dont get Gp32spain to run it because afterwards they wont release the tutorials :)
  15. T

    Encoding a Bunch of Movies at once

    VirtualDub will do it, when you go to save your avi click the button at the bottom of the dialog "Dont run this job now, add it to batch" or something like that. Then set up your next avi to compress. etc. When all done go to Job Control, you'll see em there, select start.
  16. T

    New emus

    Wasnt the whole reason for the contest to raise awarenress and promote coding of emu's for the GP32. You know you have to give them up at some point.? Doesnt it undermind the reasoning for the contest to enter something then restrict a public release? If your entrering competitions then it...
  17. T

    New emus

    We're only complaining because we weve been told these emu's would be released at the end of the meet. There seemed to be no reason why they werent released yet. Sorry bout that
  18. T

    New emus

    If you have a read of the report from the gp32spain meetup it sounds like they sold lots of gp32's and the new emu's helped them make the sales. Real professional guys! Next they'll be trying to sell the emu's online
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    New emus

    Did they make you do the dance? Its okay to talk about it
  20. T

    New emus

    We've been teased with the release of these emus for at least a month now. They're holding on to them as if they wrote them themselves. At the meet they probably make each person do a dance or something before they give them to you. Or maybe they will split each file up into 10 parts and post...