N64 Emulator?

I got mine from www.easybuy2000.com, but there's an exploit where you don't need a mod chip. I did it to my friends box and it's pretty cool, you can run emulators and stuff off of the hard drive, the only problem with that is you have to use evox. It's tricky to do, so I suggest just going with the mod chip. www.xbox-scene.com has any tutorials for questions you might have...
the ique isnt a true handheld as its played over tv, it is also as i understand it, only possible to get games in china from special booths. You put your smc/cartridge thing in and it codes the game to your machine. The whole thing has to be air tight as piracy is so bad in china. There are no plans to release it in any other regions. Also you will only get the wave of snes/n64 games that nintendo decides to release. I would say go down the pocket pc route if it can do it. It will cost a hell of a alot more but i think you'll get your moneys worth.
If im totally wrong about this, and someone has found a way of running roms (legally) through the ique, then that would change things alot but as far as im aware they havent.
actually according to a game magazine i was reading there hasnt been any word on whether it was going to be released anywhere else but nintendo never said it was exclusive to Japan. so they suppose it will be released somwhere else. probably somewhere else where piracy is an issue.
The reason nintendo didnt say it was exclusive to japan, is because it hasnt been released in japan. Its china only. There are no plans to release it in any other region. I loved the n64, but at the end of the day it was a commercial failure
i doubt nintendo would re-release the machine (with a new look) again in territorys where it was unsuccessful.
Azure posted on Dec 28 2003 at 11:52 PM said:
Why is this in the Help and other stuff forum for the GP32?
Actually... ermm... well... I don't know.
I moved it to Off Topic.
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I loved the n64, but at the end of the day it was a commercial failure

Actually this is a very weird misconception because it wasnt it was actually the 5th best selling console ever behind the:
1 Gameboy
2 Playstation
5 N64
That is the top five best selling consoles so :P
Just because something sold a large amount of units, doesnt mean its commercially successful......... A chocolate company will have to sell many more units to be commercially successful than a car company would.
Also, the 'mainstreaming' of the gaming market means that the older consoles probably didn't have to sell as much to be considered successful.
Those figures are for NA only. The N64 did a lot worse in Europe and Japan...in fact, I think the SMS outsold the NES in Europe (remember, the distribution for SMS in the US was really bad...Tonka did it or something). The gameboy total is often a collective total for GB/GBP, GBC and usually GBA - I dunno about regions specifically, though. The Saturn outsold the N64 in Japan, from what I remember...

Oh yeah, I think that list is old consoles only. I think Playstation 2 ranks pretty high in the top sales list, like in the top 3 or so...at any rate, it was a commercial failure in some places. Japan, Europe and Australia...probably a few other places...but it still outdid the Dreamcast and Saturn. (and FWIW, I'm not partial to either Sega or Nintendo, but at the time, the N64 kind of turned me off Nintendo stuff for a while...after I bought it, that is)

Just nitpicking :P
There is an excellent modchip for the xbox called the chameleon,Im actually pretty pissed off because i need a dvd writer so i can go on my xbox because at the moment the chip is just sitting there aswell i dont have a samsung dvd/cd drive on my xbox so i cant play games!!!!!!!Nor emUs wid roms!!!!I bought the Terminatore modchip which hass 4 connections to solder,Soldering is extremely easy,The companies says its best for a solder because they dont want people complaining "My f+$%^£% Xbox isnt f****** working you ba*****!"