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  1. P

    We Remember

    slaughtered_lamb: If we're talking about sigs (and avatars for that matter) I wanted to compliment yours, both from An American Werewolf in London, one of my all time favorite movies! I was pretty young when it came out (I'm 39 now) and remember being absolutely terrified by the trailer they...
  2. P

    Post your very favourite homebrew GP2X games

    Sleuth Slots is my fave! Thanks Ruckage! Oh, and I nearly forgot Good Luck Natsuki and Kaissen Patiseur (spelled way wrong, sorry) p
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    Hello, My Name Is...

    I'm Tony, from Michigan in the USA. I'm a snarky bastard and work in the environmental testing industry. I'm also a guitar player and lead vocalist for the band Blackheart. I've been with the forum since 2005 or so. I'm currently with an awesome woman who's a tattoo artist/piercer and the female...
  4. P

    What Games Are Currently On Your Gp2x's Sd Card?

    F-100 and an F-200 (though I mostly play my F-200) Alex (All the Alpha Secret Base stuff rules) Good Luck Natsuki Kaiten Patissier Ura Kaiten Patissier Champyonshipp Kaiten Patissier Sakura Cave Story (Duh) Drill2x Xtreme Factor (Awesome game BTW) Ladykiller Powder2X Pykaraoke (not a game...
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    Abuse Ported To Gp2x V1.0

    Yup. Me too. Got an F200 running 4.1.1. Sux. p B)
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    Virtual Boy

    Don't care how "bad" it was, I loved Red Alarm and would love to play it again via the Pandy! p B)
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    The Wiz Gets Proper Buttons And A 3.5mm Headphone Jack

    Wow. Well, I guess I have to retract my "FAIL," comment from a previous thread. Good one, GPH. Might have to pick one of these guys up now. Pariah B)
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    Gph: The Wiz - Official Announcement

    Two d-pads? For Christ's sake... FAIL. p B)
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    Pre-order Dates

    I'm ready to pre-order the second it's ready. I've had the money saved up for months! Whoo-hoo!! p B)
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    Gmenu2x 0.10-test2 Released

    Nice work, Ryo. I have loved this program for a while. Not sure if anyone else has this problem, but when I hit select to add links etc. I see the menu pop up for a split second and then immediately disappear. Haven't seen this happen in any previous versions. Also, upon exiting any app or game...
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    Fba2x - Finalburn Alpha Beta 7.2

    Haven't run any of the NeoGeo stuff yet, but I did run Guwange (best ubershmup ever!) and so had to run the cache program. One thing that I noticed in the above post (or in the readme I don't remember) is that you only need to copy the cache file into the roms directory, the rom itself is NOT...
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    Complete GPH 4.1 Firmware Source Code Released

    Like I said a while back... The GP2X is dead. Long live the GP2X!! This is really great news! p B)
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    Your Conditions For Getting A Pandora

    Definitely pre-ordering. I've been geeked about this from the onset and it's only getting better and better. p B)
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    Guitar Song Chords/tabs App.

    Me, me, me. I, I, I. p B)
  15. P

    Guitar Song Chords/tabs App.

    QUOTE Now there's a more useful idea :D Maybe incorporate the two together? Like: have a main screen and when you select a song it shows you the names of the chords needed and if you don't know one you can click on it and it brings up the fingering for it :) The tuner would be the hardest...
  16. P

    Guitar Song Chords/tabs App.

    I was thinking of doing something similar with a chord lookup dictionary so you could click on frets to set up a chord and then get it's name or plug in a chord name and see how it's fingered. Maybe a tuner too, though that will be better when the Pandy comes out with it's mic. p B)
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    Grieving For The Gp2x

    Just got my F200 about a month ago though I've had a first edition f100 since the beginning. I decided to buy my f200 so late in the game because even though I figured the GP2X was reaching the end of its active production phase I knew that there were still a veritable mountain of games, emu and...
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    Chrono Trigger Ds

    That would be really cool. Hope that's what it is. p B)
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    What Software Do People Want?

    QUOTE I'd like a Comics reader, similar to CDisplay, if that would be possible. -God Ginrai +1 to that! p B)
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    Buy Gp2x Or Wait For Pandora?

    Ordered my new F200 less than a month ago from GP2xstore and received it in 2 days. As to your question. The GP2X is a great piece of hardware, and if you can afford both I would say go for it, but if, like the rest of us you are on a limited budget then do the smart thing and wait for the...