Complete GPH 4.1 Firmware Source Code Released


Super Duper Mega GP Mania
Mar 22, 2006
Senor Quack has discovered that GPH released the complete 4.1 source code on the sly. They didn't tell anybody! The menu code is even available now. I don't know if they intended for that, they've always been pretty anti releasing it before, but now we have it regardless.
Orkie said:
Senor Quack has discovered that GPH released the complete 4.1 source code on the sly. They didn't tell anybody! The menu code is even available now. I don't know if they intended for that, they've always been pretty anti releasing it before, but now we have it regardless.

In fairness to our Korean firmware-developing overlords, it looks like they did announce it at (Google translation of the first "Recent News" item: (08/04/29) GP2X firmware to disclose the source code. The source code is in the form of compressed file archives files can be obtained from. SVN through the site's future development is scheduled to disclose. The source code licenses are License, please refer to page.)
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That isn't really very helpful though given that almost no developers speak Korean and nobody checks that page :P. Still, lots of useful bits and bobs in the menu. TV-out, reading serial number, LCD timing etc. We had most of this anyway, but TV-out in particular has been difficult to get to GPH-standard even.
Yup, I always find it interesting to look through other peoples code. Never know what kind of nuggets you might find :)
Orkie said:
Like the F200 USB SD reader chip being controlled through GPH's SDL port :D.
Yes, there's some scary code in there.

I love there new ultra-secure serial routines.

FILE *fp = fopen("/var/log/serial", "r");


At least they parse the /proc directory for some stuff though. I half-expected them to redirect "ps"/etc to a file, and parse the text.
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Squidge said:
Orkie said:
Like the F200 USB SD reader chip being controlled through GPH's SDL port :D.
Yes, there's some scary code in there.

I love there new ultra-secure serial routines.

FILE *fp = fopen("/var/log/serial", "r");


At least they parse the /proc directory for some stuff though. I half-expected them to redirect "ps"/etc to a file, and parse the text.

Hey hey, no spoilers please, I probably won't be able to look at it til this weekend.
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Orkie said:
I don't know if they intended for that, they've always been pretty anti releasing it before, but now we have it regardless.
Well they dropped the GP2X completely as we know and theres no value lost if they release all the source to it.
Probally means either the company is going belly up and some decent folks there put it out before it was lost, or the new product is completely new and not backwards compatible going back to the no value lost.

Either way a good move on their part, soemthing good finally.
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What's the potential trickle-down for us plebs? Could this have a bearing on Open2x? Can having this information help homebrewers get more out of the machine? Or is it just a curio for coders?
Gruso said:
What's the potential trickle-down for us plebs? Could this have a bearing on Open2x? Can having this information help homebrewers get more out of the machine? Or is it just a curio for coders?
* Like PokeParadox mentioned, better TVOut mode (perfect centering and better scaling) on both PAL and NTSC..

* We can probably fix that stupid sound crash bug F200s can suffer from under certain situations.

* FIxing the F200 touchscreen direction swapping for good, with no hacks needed.

* Adding adjustment of LCD timings back into F200 settings.

* Can probably fix sound volume on F200s, increase resolution of steps between silence and max volume, perhaps even allow this to be customizable.

* Add a /proc interface for users to use some MMSP2-specific features instead of needing GPIO poking with mmap
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Like I said a while back...

The GP2X is dead. Long live the GP2X!!

This is really great news!

p B)
Senor Quack said:
* Adding adjustment of LCD timings back into F200 settings.
I would really like this. I don't know why those knuckleheads took that out! It is especially bad because it isn't set right from the factory and you can't fix it (you get that faint white line on the left that comes when you set the slider too far on the old FW).

Also maybe the boot times could be trimmed back maybe?
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DaveC said:
Senor Quack said:
* Adding adjustment of LCD timings back into F200 settings.
I would really like this. I don't know why those knuckleheads took that out! It is especially bad because it isn't set right from the factory and you can't fix it (you get that faint white line on the left that comes when you set the slider too far on the old FW).

Also maybe the boot times could be trimmed back maybe?

Unfortunately, I thought it might help with my interlacing on my F200, but no timings I set seem to make it better, only worse. Mine doesn't suffer from the white line problem, but I can see it start to appear when I change the settings too far in one direction.. Does the LCD timing feature of the CPU/LCD Tweaker utility help fix yours, at least until you reboot again?
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Pickle said:
Orkie said:
I don't know if they intended for that, they've always been pretty anti releasing it before, but now we have it regardless.
Well they dropped the GP2X completely as we know and theres no value lost if they release all the source to it.
Probally means either the company is going belly up and some decent folks there put it out before it was lost, or the new product is completely new and not backwards compatible going back to the no value lost.

Either way a good move on their part, soemthing good finally.

According to latest news from GPH;
1 - They are using MES Pollux chipset.
2 - New device will be 100% open source too.
3 - They are not working with DignSys anymore.
4 - New device will be 100% compatible with GP2X F-100 and F-200. (I don't know how they will maintain this as they can't keep the backwards compatibility between firmware versions.)

That's all I got for now. Back to Pandora works...
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