Guitar Song Chords/tabs App.


Hey Telstra, I Hate You.
Jun 23, 2007
lol Charters Towers sucks.
Hey all,

What I would like to do is make an app that will look in a directory for song files ( .ogg maybe? ) and guitar chord/tab files ( .gtr? ) and write a list of songs with chords/tabs that you have for you to choose one.
Once chosen, the song will be played and the lyrics printed on the screen with the chords above where you play them and a karaoke-style highlight would be going over the lyrics/chords and the lyrics/chords would be changing on screen respective of where the song is up to...

But since I have little experience in SDL programming and my Mac is a pain in the ass to get XCode working with ARM and SDL compilation I can't do it until I get a new computer.. ( Maybe in the next few years :P )..

Just an idea, since I ( if you haven't already noticed ) play guitar and i find it a bit annoying having millions of pieces of paper in my guitar case....

that would be pretty amazing on any platform, but the gp2x would be very useful for portability. but who would tab all this? still it would be a pretty great app (im a guitar player myself, altho tabs prove too painstaking and slow, so i just learn all the chords and scales i can, and improv.)
Linkous said:
that would be pretty amazing on any platform, but the gp2x would be very useful for portability. but who would tab all this? still it would be a pretty great app (im a guitar player myself, altho tabs prove too painstaking and slow, so i just learn all the chords and scales i can, and improv.)
Most of the tabs I have were printed from Ultimate Guitar Archives ( google it if you haven't found it already, it's great :lol: )
I agree tabs can be a bit painstaking and slow if you aren't used to them bit once you get the hang of it it's a bit like a second language..

On topic..
I guess I would need to get all the chords and lyrics to show up at the right time interval, so making chord files that have millisecond counters in them??
And then getting it to sync to the music..


Song Name

0023 C
0095 A#
0143 Em

The numbers = milliseconds && Letters ( C, A# etc. ) = Chords

And maybe a separate lyrics file? ( .lyr )


Song Name

0023 I'm just a poor boy nobody loves me......

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I was thinking of doing something similar with a chord lookup dictionary so you could click on frets to set up a chord and then get it's name or plug in a chord name and see how it's fingered. Maybe a tuner too, though that will be better when the Pandy comes out with it's mic.

p B)
pariah said:
I was thinking of doing something similar with a chord lookup dictionary so you could click on frets to set up a chord and then get it's name or plug in a chord name and see how it's fingered. Maybe a tuner too, though that will be better when the Pandy comes out with it's mic.

p B)
Now there's a more useful idea :D

Maybe incorporate the two together?

Like: have a main screen and when you select a song it shows you the names of the chords needed and if you don't know one you can click on it and it brings up the fingering for it :)

The tuner would be the hardest bit IMO since you need to record and look for an exact pitch and account for different guitars and strings etc.. easier to do in hardware :)
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Now there's a more useful idea :D

Maybe incorporate the two together?

Like: have a main screen and when you select a song it shows you the names of the chords needed and if you don't know one you can click on it and it brings up the fingering for it :)

The tuner would be the hardest bit IMO since you need to record and look for an exact pitch and account for different guitars and strings etc.. easier to do in hardware :)

Yeah, I really like the idea of being able to click on the chords you don't know or aren't sure of. That is brilliant. The tuner thing is sort of what if I guess, and as my git has a tuner built in it's not such a big deal for me. Another cool thing might be a metronome though since we're kinda just blue-skying it here.

Oh, also... Instead of clicking on a chord you want to know, it would be cool to just point at it via the touchscreen or with the dpad cursor and a pop-up tooltip type dialog could come up with the fingering, sort of like on


p B)
pariah said:
Oh, also... Instead of clicking on a chord you want to know, it would be cool to just point at it via the touchscreen or with the dpad cursor and a pop-up tooltip type dialog could come up with the fingering, sort of like on

Exactly what i was thinking! :D

As for the metronome, great idea!

I can see this as being some ultimate guitar suite for the gp2x :lol:

Tuner, metronome, chord database, karaoke-style tab/chord reader :D

Now I wish I had a computer that was easier to set up the dev tools for :unsure:
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Guitar Pro for the Pandora would be sweet, although Im pretty sure its not open source. PowerTab might be but I dont like it.
I used to have an app that ran in DOS window on '95 called "Chord Magic" that would be pretty cool to have too.

Would be great to have all these on one thing in your case.

I'll follow this one with interest....