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  1. fayer3

    Should I have received my final order eMail already?

    I now placed my final order. I noticed that the 5% discount for orders of 2 or more pyras that was mentioned on the preorder page is now missing from that page Was that promotion canceled or did I do something wrong? because I don't think it applied.
  2. fayer3

    Should I have received my final order eMail already?

    I got my email that I can order now. but I have some questions before I do my final order: 1. Is this email only for my prepreorder Pyra, or also for my second Pyra that I added in the normal preorder step? 2. Is it possible to switch from Mobile Edition to Standard edition for one of them?
  3. fayer3

    It's software this time!

    I preordered 2 pyras when the preorders started, and used my pre preorder voucher as partial payment. I got 2 400€ vouchers, so they should definetly be registered. It could be that the second email got lost because of that German email problem. I got one emprty email and one with a survey link.
  4. fayer3

    It's software this time!

    I only got one email. I originally ordered one pyra during the prepreorders, and in the preorder step I added the second one.
  5. fayer3

    It's software this time!

    how does the survey work if I ordered multiple pyras? Do I have to fill it out multiple times? I would like one dark chrome, and my brother, if he doesn't cancel his preorder, would like a black one.
  6. fayer3

    Test the keymat!

    I think he meant the black marker on the case around the power button visible in this picture
  7. fayer3

    Preorders Have Started. (Previously named starts in two hours)

    I pre-pre-ordered one unit, what happens if I now pre-order two units? Will they both ship when the second unit is produced, or will they be shipped independently?
  8. fayer3

    Sometimes weird colours on screen

    I will probably RMA it when the cable is completely broken, right now it only happens sometimes.
  9. fayer3

    Sometimes weird colours on screen

    So it's definitely a dying cable? Seems like I have to prepare to get a new one.
  10. fayer3

    Sometimes weird colours on screen

    Sometimes when opening my Pandora I get these weird purple, green colours on screen. When moving the lid they disappear, so it may be something with the LCD cable? Any advice?
  11. fayer3

    New Boards - Help me out :)

    I just noticed, that in some quotes the link to the original post is not working, and the name is not displayed. For example in this post: the link is not working and instead of the name just a...
  12. fayer3

    Total madness!

    Just wanted to say that it is possible to preorder the Pyra without 4G/LTE
  13. fayer3

    Current Keyboard Layout

    Since the FN key is on L2 does that mean it can be mapped as a key in games?
  14. fayer3

    Release Kodi (a.k.a XBMC)

    ok i just tried it with the default sgx driver and there it woks normally. it seems to be a problem with the new drivers.
  15. fayer3

    Release Kodi (a.k.a XBMC)

    no I meant I close xbmc by holding the pandora key. and if you hold the powerswitch for ca 5 seconds the pandora should shut down, but that doesn't work.
  16. fayer3

    Release Kodi (a.k.a XBMC)

    the screen stays black when changing the brightness. i'm not sure if its possible to exit the program completely because when holding the pandora key to close it, i'm not able to shut down my pandora by holding the power key.
  17. fayer3

    Release Kodi (a.k.a XBMC)

    screen stays black but the program reacts to the input.
  18. fayer3

    Release Kodi (a.k.a XBMC)

    turn off the screen
  19. fayer3

    Release Kodi (a.k.a XBMC)

    I have a problem when closing the lid. when I reopen it the screen stays black.
  20. fayer3

    Release Firefox 21 in repo

    Why do you use swfdec instead of adobe flash player for flash content?