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    Pandora Website Forum Link

    How come half the time the forum link on the main page of openpandora sends to the pandora forum while the other half it sends me to a page which let me choose which forum to go to? Do they change the link daily or something?
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    This case is not for people who like thin looking things. That looks thicker than a DSphat. Of course, it could be an optical illusion and it actually is a lot thinner than it looks in pictures.
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    Pandora Cube

    If it was going to be a home console, then it would have to be designed to look vaguely like a home theater equipment. It would possibly need a remote and an interface made for couches like windows media center or XMBC. Not only that, emulators would have to take it into consideration and it...
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    Wanted: Wiz Review

    Unfortunately, from what i gathered from your review is that there is almost no functionality improvement except for flash (which you did not mention) for anyone who owns a gp2x at this point in time. I read in another thread that since they removed the video decoding hardware in this followup...
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    Gp2x Explorer Program?

    Firmware 4.0 does not have explorer but I need it for sdhc. Is there an explorer program somewhere available? I couldnt find it.
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    While Unbricking I Got Unsettling Message In Hyperterminal

    I recently finally unbricked my gp2x to firmware 2.0 using my cradle. however the serial output has lots of notes that worry me. should i be worried? I have read that the memory gets marked as bad because of bad firmware. does this mean i should no install firmware higher than 2.5 or so...
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    May The Power Be With You

    Wait wuh??? I thought you were using standard nokia batteries or something? You know for easy buying. I remember talking about this a while back. Maybe I'm not up to date or something.
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    New Palm Pre Uses Newest Omap Chipset!

    The newest Palm unveiled at CES uses the newest omap! I already want this phone!
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    Sdxc Support?

    So will there be SDXC support? 2 terabytes sounds like a storage dream come true! though i have no idea what this exfat is.
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    Is There More Than One Version Of The Wiz?

    I was just wondering. I remember seeing a picture with 2 wizzes on it and one of them was glossy black while the other one had etchings on it or something. Curiously, I cannot find that picture so im asking.
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    Any News About A N64 Emu Lately ? I Dont Find Anything In Search

    now all we need is a jaguar and 3do emulator.
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    Good Mp3 Player

    Didnt someone say that it wouldnt include mp3 playing because of mp3 licensing issues? and if so, does that mean it will come out of the box with the ability to play ogg?
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    Which Will You Buy?

    You know what would be awesome? Multiplayer compatibility between WIZ and Pandora. That would allow me to buy both and be happy.
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    Gph: The Wiz - Official Announcement

    I like the world of warcraft box.
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    Dreamcast Emulator

    for the PSP!!!! Now all we need is a gp2x and Pandora version.
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    Openmoko Freerunner Phone

    What im wondering is that can android be ported to this phone? or is that proprietary?
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    Openmoko Freerunner Phone

    Now that it is out, anyone going to get it? I'm enticed but its lack of camera really holds me back. If some people develope some nice appliactions for it than maybe but it really bothers me that it doesnt have a camera. What do you people think? Freerunner: