I feel bad for doing a duplicate of omisnad:s post, but i want some attention. sorry...
I still like the project and hope it will succeed without me.
I must sadly say the same as omisnad:
"What does it take to cancel my order and get my money back?
After 3 years of waiting ive decided to...
Hello, its with great sadness that i have to cancel my order :'( sorry...
it have been soon 3 fun years of waiting but i have to move on. i never thought this day would come, but i have reached my limits.
i will soon get married and need the money for other things.
ordered in 02-02-2009...
I am 22, a Swedish Robotics student at Mälardalen University. Will use the pandora for game development and some retro gaming. I got a Gp2x, dingoo, Wiz, N900 and a beagleboard, have been using linux as a desktop for the last 6 years.
I have been waiting 2 years 5 months 7 days 23 hours and 5 minutes and counting. no hurry here! what is another 2 months ^_^
(first mail sent 2009-02-02 but payment was not confirmed until 2009-02-16)
This is a good deal, i do want it. but i can not afford it right now (my girlfriend would kill me). I am still waiting for mine. I will tell my classmate, he might be interested ;)
Too late?
send me a pm and i will send you an invite.
they sometimes claim that they have shutdown invites, but try to go to the form site now and then, it will let you in sooner or later. i got in on my third try (10min intervals).
ED: check http://www.enics.com/ i have worked there, i think they should be able to handle the pandora board. i worked in ther ICT Testing section last summer. They produce some complex boards for ABB and Westinghouse. They seam to be quite generic, they do booth small batches and larger ones...
I think it sounds like a great idea :D go for it! jump in at #openpandora at irc.freenode.net if you need any help.
I am surprised at how much negative feed back you get here.
I start to wonder if there there only are pessimistic nay sayers on this board :P
Your solution have obvious...
I have read too much computer architecture and read too much about neural networks and read too much sci-fi to expect anything at all after death. the brain is a biological computer and that's all there is to it. so what happens to your computers session when you turn it off? do each session...
I would gladly help you guys and pay in advance so you can get thing going! oh wait.... i already am :P
Proud Sponsor of the OpenPandora Project.
I will give a little donation when i get my pandora. Sadly i can not go premium. I have not had any income for the last 5 months, so i am a...
You can actually save money on hiring someone.
If you hire a person that can do this job while you do another job where you actually earn money and then pay the worker less then you earned on the other job. Well, then there are taxes and other less convenient fees for employees...
taobao only have fixed prices, its like ebay in size (if not bigger).
regarding the 3$ price, well a lot of plastic and a ASIC and it can become quite cheap.
taobao is chinas ebay.
what you can't buy on taobao, you can't buy in china. well i have bought stuff fram taobao that is not for sell in china.. like the Asus eeeNote. but to the point:
for 20rmb = 3 usd
you can get a: snes like console with 2 controllers...
i think that its not impossible to get to between 20 and 40$
less then 50$ is easy. there are hundreds of different cheap handheld consoles here in china.
a example:
I got one of these: (its a open source project) price: 358 人民币 = 55$
http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=9058404557 (use google translate)
Building my own GPS tracker/watch to have when i run marathon.
(have found some cheap gps modules for 6$ each (actually slightly less).
i am currently...
its easy if you skip unnecessary parts like screen and battery :P
A cortex M3 with a DSP would be really cheap, and allow sound also.
Its called LIFE, i am afraid you will have to live with it.
or even better, get a time-machine!
believe me, you are not the only one who have done stupid things that you want to change.