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  1. K

    Sacred Gear

    If you're running it dedicated, that's all you'll get. It seems we ran out of bandwidth for the month, so all of you eager to try it'll have to wait a few minutes ti'll the server's refresh.
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    Sacred Gear

    We're finishing up the final touches on our ten week university project. It uses Ogre for graphics, OpenAL for sound, OgreNewt for physics and a CEGui interface. The game's completely free and available for download now. This is our slightly selling introduction. There's also a movie on...
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    Ps3 To Bring Down Price Of Sd Cards?

    i'd say that's a bit of a stretch, but neat nevertheless.
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    GP32 Bouncing Bubbles - Final Questions ;)

    the blitting routines in mirkos sdk are very slow, try to use memcpy whenever possible. a number of faster replacements have also been made iirc correctly some of these actually come with the sdk.
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    Gp32 Replacement Stuff From Liksang
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    Whats The Difference?

    Another three letters worth remembering are FAQ
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    The Death Star..

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    Help Flu Dying?!

    i've heard of this before, aparently leaving the unit on for an extended period fixes it. but i'm not entirely sure of the exact details, but do search the forums a bit and i'm sure you'll find the solution.
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    GP32 Sdl And C++

    i did my pizzaworm game using mirko's and c++, i recently moved it up to work with devkitpro. so it can most certainly be done.
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    Import Taxes To Sweden?

    heja sverige. yet another swede here. A good trick is to have them mark the package "Warranty return" or "product sample" instead, that way the full value can be put on the package, but since you "didn't pay for it" in the first place they can't really expect you to pay taxes. But since this is...
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    GP2X Libmirko Sdk, Who Use It ? Do You Like It ?

    you lib is most excellent. it's just wonderful to be able to take for instance a sprite-blitting routine and modify it sligtly to fit your needs. the freedom of having ALL the code in whatever it is you're doing is awesome. it's hard to say if a similar thing is needed for the gp2x, it all...
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    Phodrive 0.2

    might you be releasing the sources for this so we can toy around with em a bit?
  13. K

    Another World V. 1.01 Released.

    awesome work fellas. all that remains is the brightness problem, i also have a hard time seeing stuff on my nlu.
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    GP32 Graphics In Mr.mirko's Sdk

    the gp_drawTiled16 functions still use the old blitting variation (putting pixel by pixel) which is far to slow when you need to fill the whole screen. you should look into combining the fastblit functions with the drawTiled functions, or maybe start using memcpy alltogheter.
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    GP32 Graphics In Mr.mirko's Sdk

    a pretty neato way to save yourself from the trouble of converting to an array is to include the .raw file in asm. create an file called for example images.s and put that on the OBJS line in your makefile. here i do two images just to demonstrate. .ALIGN 2 .ARM .GLOBAL gfx_logo .GLOBAL...
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    GP32 Direction Needed

    i'm also a lsdj kinda' guy. i have been doing some programming (Pizza Worm) for the gp, but i don't really feel that i'm competent enough to do the sound stuff. But it would be a cool project to be involved in, i'd happily help you do gfx/interface stuff and such. I remember speaking to some...
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    GP32 Fpu In Gp32 And 2 Other Questions

    some of the functions in math.h from the official sdk are broken. youll have to either find a new math-lib or do precalc values.
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    GP32 Special Effects

    this maybe?
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    Mlib V0.2 Sources Availabe..

    nice stuff. now i just need to get it compiling. darn makefiles!
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    Pizza Worm

    real nice to get some feedback, i was infact going to put that in but forgot all about it. I'll add it to my todo-list and when it gets long enough i'll update the game and release a new version. So, bring on the requests.