Pizza Worm


Still Fresh
Oct 30, 2003
Karlshamn, Sweden

get it at:
nice i'll try this out.. looks to be better than the other nibbler/s clones on the GP... I prefer the many direction movement over the up/down/left/right movement.
Great job! Very nice indeed; love the little Mr. T faces :lol:
Looks cool, can't wait to try it.

I played the one on the 486 also, those where the days.

thanks everybody!

btw the game runs at 66mhz if anyone cares ;)
and also don't miss out on the replaceable backround, should work just perfect with windups backrounds or pretty much any 320*240 gif. See the readme for more instructions.
Nice, it looks and feels good, very fun game. Very challenging when the split-screen bug decides it's time to stop playing ;)
Nice to see a snake-type game with so many options, makes it look very complete :)
Yeehaa! I loved to play this on my pc, so it will get a good place on my smc :D

Hopefully someone will port Bierwurm (Beerworm, sorry the link is to a german site)

Try it, mmh, pizza & beer is all I need (on my gp32 !?! :blink: ) :D

"Writing to SMC - Don`t do anything stupid"
Hahaha, that`s really funny! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Quiest posted on Feb 1 2005 at 04:21 PM said:
Hopefully someone will port Bierwurm (Beerworm, sorry the link is to a german site)

The sources are on my page, it wouldnt be especially hard to change a little stuff to turn it into that game. If you want to take it on i'll help you. Personally i'm a bit tired of this and have other grand plans for my next game ;)
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Seems Pizza Worm has the blu+ bug.
Its the 20% bar on top bug.

Email or post if you need blu+ beta testers.
Other than that, game looks great.

mth411 posted on Feb 1 2005 at 11:47 PM said:
Seems Pizza Worm has the blu+ bug.
Its the 20% bar on top bug.
I beta-tested pworm on a blu+, and told kissbengt exactly the same thing :blink:
But guess what, setting the GP TYPE to BLU+ works absolutely fine :o
it's all a matter of opening your eyes ;>
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Yeah, sorry, I missed that option.

Works great on my blu+.
Thanks heaps.
Wow, great game with excellent gameplay and very polished design and menus. And I love the chiptune! Will definitely stay on my SMC.

I have one feature request: It would certainly feel nicer to control the snake via the L and R shoulderbuttons. I think that would make it perfect ^^.
Tob posted on Feb 3 2005 at 02:37 AM said:
Wow, great game with excellent gameplay and very polished design and menus. And I love the chiptune! Will definitely stay on my SMC.

I have one feature request: It would certainly feel nicer to control the snake via the L and R shoulderbuttons. I think that would make it perfect ^^.

real nice to get some feedback, i was infact going to put that in but forgot all about it. I'll add it to my todo-list and when it gets long enough i'll update the game and release a new version. So, bring on the requests.
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