GP32 Direction Needed


May 28, 2005
Brussels, Belgium
Hi all,

I'm part of the gameboy music freaks and some of us have been talking for a while about a neato little application that would be the perfect companion to our favorite LittleSoundDJ. Basically a tracker that would implement both sound and midi output. So I decided to go for it... After researching a the possible platform for the project, it seems the GP32 is going to be the one !

I don't have mine yet but I'm trying to get around and know what are the bits and pieces that I need... and in that matter I'd like to know if there's anything I should directly go for... I have a fairly good programming background (busting my ass in that zone for a lot of years) and I want to know if there any specific I should pay attention to...

So far I've downloaded Mr. Mirko's SDK and successfully compiled them but I can't seem to run anything in geepee32.. I load the .fxe and the screen goes blank forever.

I've also read that there's a mod player around so I guess someone has dealt with multiple sound re-pitching and mixing.. it would be very nice if we could talk shop a little :)

Ok... I guess that's enough for the introduction , I hope to see you guys around soon

There is a patch for MirkoSDK 0.95 that makes it compatible with Geepee32. Of course, when your compiling for a real GP32, its best to use the original version. Download GEEPEE fix

Also, Mirko's SDK has a builtin mod player which works well except for the fact that there is no panning. But theres also Mr. Spiv's MLIB and Pea's conversion of CHN's modlib.

Some useful sites:

Mr. Spiv's Site
Pea's Site
Dark Fader's Site
GP32X File Archive

First up, geepee32 doesn't have sounds support, so you'll need the hardware.
Also (direct link to my site: my mikmod port requires you to alter Mr.Mirkos SDK a teensie bit, but thats no biggie. It plays all the stuff mikmod does.

One other thing - there are pitch issues on the GP that need to be dealt with. I'll try to find the original post for you and you can contact the author directly. I believe it was doogleDog that was working on a tracker type app who ran into the pitch issues.

Yup, here it is:

Send Doogle a PM, he's an approachable guy.
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i'm also a lsdj kinda' guy. i have been doing some programming (Pizza Worm) for the gp, but i don't really feel that i'm competent enough to do the sound stuff. But it would be a cool project to be involved in, i'd happily help you do gfx/interface stuff and such.
I remember speaking to some people about this before, amongst others a guy that calls himself starpause (or variations thereof), so there is a real interest for this.
So please, do grab me on icq/msn/irc for some exchange of ideas!
(for irc, find me in the #gp32dev channel on EFnet as kissbengt or maybe kizz0r)
kissbengt posted on May 31 2005 at 04:26 AM said:
i'm also a lsdj kinda' guy.
I remember speaking to some people about this before, amongst others a guy that calls himself starpause (or variations thereof), so there is a real interest for this.
So please, do grab me on icq/msn/irc for some exchange of ideas!
Yeah... I will probably create a yahoo group or something... to post the project's evolution and stuff. Will contact u through one of the mass-anger. U'r refereriing to Starpaws a.k.a Jordan a.k.a K9D.. he's one of the responsible for me going to the GP32 platform :)

First up, geepee32 doesn't have sounds support, so you'll need the hardware
Totally agreed; I wouldn't go without one.. it is just in the mean time while I am waiting for my unit, in order to explore the GP world

One other thing - there are pitch issues on the GP that need to be dealt with. I'll try to find the original post for you and you can contact the author directly. I believe it was doogleDog that was working on a tracker type app who ran into the pitch issues.

Yup, here it is:

Send Doogle a PM, he's an approachable guy.
Thanks.. that is extremely valuable information. Plus from what I read this guy did exactly what I plan to do i.e. limit the GP32 native code to the minimum so that the main dev can be compiled and debugged on windblows too
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This sounds good! :)
Good luck with the proyect, it would be so cool to have a tracker-like for our gp's!!
I'm looking for a lsdj cartdrige, but it seems there won't be available until summer. So, i'll wait :)
Yo geezers,

i think the cable would work for that. But quite some money to pay for it.
Anyway, it might be a good secure way to start with.
Meanwhile, i'm going to check the GP32 ports.

firestARTer :-)
firestARTer posted on May 31 2005 at 11:50 AM said:
Yo geezers,

i think the cable would work for that. But quite some money to pay for it.
Anyway, it might be a good secure way to start with.
Meanwhile, i'm going to check the GP32 ports.

firestARTer :-)
Hiya Fella!

I'm sure they'd do you a deal for the info if they thought they might sell some MIDI cables themselves ;)
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pea posted on May 31 2005 at 01:50 AM said:
One other thing - there are pitch issues on the GP that need to be dealt with. I'll try to find the original post for you and you can contact the author directly. I believe it was doogleDog that was working on a tracker type app who ran into the pitch issues.

You get this kind of probs if you don't know how GP32 clocks work, affect each other and sound. Not trying to brag mlib (as it is far from bragging state quality as it is now...) but it actually calculates sound stuff correctly and checks the sound output rate... and after that adjusts the mixer according to the real - not necessarily asked - sound output rate. Not a big deal actually but needs to be taken into account when writing the software. :blink:
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firestARTer posted on May 31 2005 at 11:50 AM said:
Yo geezers,

i think the cable would work for that. But quite some money to pay for it.
Anyway, it might be a good secure way to start with.
Meanwhile, i'm going to check the GP32 ports.

firestARTer :-)
Hiya Fella!

I'm sure they'd do you a deal for the info if they thought they might sell some MIDI cables themselves ;)

It's in very early state, i'm gonna check it a bit further, cause also the Midi-Out thing is just one part of the interface which should be done. The other part will be a direct output (maybe input) to/from the gameboy for syncronizing.

YO firestARTer
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