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  • Users: Cew27
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  1. C

    Where Is My £200 Handheld?

    bang on
  2. C

    Where Is My £200 Handheld?

    thanks but i dont play any mmorpg, i have a social life which i am assuming you were insinuating that i did not
  3. C

    Where Is My £200 Handheld?

    how long have you been waiting? because from when i first saw this project about 2+ years bac, thats when my wait began. and 2 years is more than enough for anyone's patience to run out, so before anyone who has just found out about the pandora tells me to be patient, i have been patient and its...
  4. C

    Where Is My £200 Handheld?

    ok, now about a year ago i saw this handheld in development (at the age of 16), as an avid linux lover i ordered it after saving all the money i could for a while. so its now october 2007 and im exited that a pandora would be arriving on my doorstep within the next 4 weeks. but to my...
  5. C

    Pandora Wireless Card Firmware?

    i did re-pre-order :D
  6. C

    Pandora Wireless Card Firmware?

    kool, if it works ill be very happy
  7. C

    Pandora Wireless Card Firmware?

    pre-ordered a pandora way back in the begninng, now just wondering if it will be able to emulate mac adresses using the propietery firmware?
  8. C

    Working Payment Options

    *cannot represent feelings in words* this is a joke, i will still be buying my pandora and supporting the teams but it seems like the date for me getting my pandora is a ball rolling down a steep hill, and im tied to a post at the top forced to watch it rill inevitably into the abyss. here...
  9. C

    Working Payment Options

    am i mistaken or is the shipping date now march!?! (ish)
  10. C

    Want To Get My Money To You

    what adress to i email to and what do i say. thanks
  11. C

    Want To Get My Money To You

    i have my confimation email from the open pandora team that proves i placed an order
  12. C

    Want To Get My Money To You

    i didnt get one of those email, i noticed the refund on the statement.
  13. C

    Want To Get My Money To You

    i havent got a re-order email? are they still being sent out?
  14. C

    Want To Get My Money To You

    i did read that, but for some reason my brain didnt summarise it as well as your text did. anyway what would be the best and how can i make sure the team know it was me who sent the money so they know i have paid?
  15. C

    Want To Get My Money To You

    hey i pre-ordred by credit card and was refunded, i would like to re-order from you but i am wondering what would be the easiest for the pandora team? ill do anyway that is easiest for you. but i will need instructiuon to relay to my mother thanks alot, sorry if i have asked questions that have...
  16. C

    Finally... A Usb Modem That Doesent Stick Out

    you will need a provider, but if there was anyway to get a 3g chip on the motherboard (that you could turn off to save battery life) id sure as hell do it
  17. C

    Finally... A Usb Modem That Doesent Stick Out

    isnt it possible to mod the pandora to0 have one of the smaller 3g cips on the motherboard?
  18. C

    When Dell Fscks Up.

  19. C


    here and here, at the same time (points to ass and crotch)