Want To Get My Money To You


Sep 15, 2008
hey i pre-ordred by credit card and was refunded, i would like to re-order from you but i am wondering what would be the easiest for the pandora team? ill do anyway that is easiest for you. but i will need instructiuon to relay to my mother
thanks alot, sorry if i have asked questions that have already been answered
craigix said:
Payment methods you can use:

Tranzfers: $5 cost which we will cover, especially good for USA orders.

Bank Transfer: Will vary depending where you are, good for Europe and UK.

Money order: This will cost you nothing and can be requested from your bank and you will have to post it to us, it costs us $10 to cash it here but we will cover that.

Cheques: These work but again you will have to post them to us, the fees for accepting them seem to vary.
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i did read that, but for some reason my brain didnt summarise it as well as your text did.
anyway what would be the best and how can i make sure the team know it was me who sent the money so they know i have paid?
As I have just been informed, your reorder e-mail has instructions for a bank transfer, which seems to be fairly painless.
i have my confimation email from the open pandora team that proves i placed an order
i never got one either, sent an email to them yesterday (same email address as the order confirmation email) and they sent me the details today.
<-------------- Same here. Got a refund but no further instructions. My apologies to anyone that might read the forums as much as I do and immediately assimilated the knowledge of how to go about re-ordering without an email with instructions. We are but humble folk who didn't receive a reorder email but are still trying to support the Pandora project and seeking guidance from anyone that might be in the know. More clarification, perhaps on the main page with a little title like: how to reorder if you haven't received an email might perhaps clear up some of the misunderstandings. Or people could continue to banter on about how superior their intellect is. That still doesn't help.
I agree with eternalodyssey here, I don't read these forums very often and this information is obviously in some forum post that I haven't read.

Anyway, I've had no re-order email either, but I've managed to set-up a direct debit today using info I've found by searching these forums.

They need to email people to re-order.
This post details all you need for bank transfers and gives the company name and address for cheques. It quotes the re-order email.

When communicating via email it is best if you reply to your original order confirmation.

Hope the above helps.
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