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  • Users: zboy9
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  1. Z

    Gpnese Source

    hey makenai, did you ever realease a new version of Gpnese?
  2. Z

    lazy reader 04 gp32

    a pdf reader would be nice. ;)
  3. Z


    me three- I'm actually Baptist. :)
  4. Z

    People lost and confused

    you know how when you go to the beginning of this site, how there is General Forums on the top and Dev. Forums on the bottom. why not an off-topic section under the dev. forum?
  5. Z

    NGage emulator 4 GP32???

    don't listen to rattboi <_<
  6. Z

    Gamecube games

    mario kart dd is a must!
  7. Z

    non flu gp32, possible to frontlight with...

    i've searched and searched for a 3.5 inch replacement screen on the internet, and could never find one.
  8. Z

    Happy Christmas!

  9. Z

    GP32 or PDA?

    i would go for the pocket pc, especially if you want things like a movie viewer and apps. The gp32's storage can only go up to 128MB and it is a pain to buy more. Buy a pocket pc that has either a harddrive or compact flash memory. that's my 2cents at least.
  10. Z

    Whats your favourite anime series/movies?

    RAVE (look at my avatar)
  11. Z

    best commercial game?

    he asked which WAS the best, not which one WASN'T the best. Anyway, I only own ASR and Her Knights, but Her knights does have an English storyline, which is crucial. The only thing that is not in English in Her knights is the main menu at the beginning of the game. The game is a scrolling...
  12. Z


    thanks STARWARSNERD, someone who knows the truth! CNN is definitely LEFT wing. If anyone has watched CROSSFIRE, they have a right and left wing person, but no one ever claps for the right person, just the left, almost every time. They put people in there intentionally.
  13. Z


    I wasn't being extremist either....I was being RIGHT! :D
  14. Z


    Dark God, that's BS and you know it. If they are American weapons, we gave them to France and they sold them to Iraq.
  15. Z

    What operating system do you use

    Windows 2000 Pro. Will be upgrading to XP Pro soon though :D
  16. Z

    how do you play files thatt are .rar?

    i didn't even know what a .rar file was when I joined this place. Weird huh?
  17. Z

    Astonishia Story R

    don't hold your breath either johnno15, you'll passout :D :lol:
  18. Z


    Someone said that America is resposible for the millions that have died! BS!! America and so many other organizations gave Iraq money for food and [ spam word ], but what did they do with it??? They built up their military. And LOOK AT SADDAM'S PALACES!!! He wasn't giving any money to his own...
  19. Z


    how do the Iraquis face the same problems they did before? Girls now have freedom to go to school, schools don't have to preach "praise Saddam" all the time. There aren't torture chambers where kids are killed anymore. Sure, there are a few bombs here and there, and I am NOT justifying it, I am...
  20. Z


    look, all I am saying is that our friends Germany, France, and Russia would rather have Saddam in power now. Russia had oil contracts, France had weapons deals, and I don't know what Germany had. How can anyone stand up for a country like France, Germany, and Russia, when all they wanted was...