Search results for query: *

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    Tom Ammiano To Legalize Pot

    Lol at the guy's argument a while back saying that alcohol is ok because in society its alright to be an alcoholic but not a pot head.
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    Game Trading Community

    theres actually quite a few pretty good 100 point games, obviously none of them are going to be recent, but its a good chance to pick up that classic game you never played for whatever reason. Some notable ones I saw: Shenmue 2 (xbox) Operation Flashpoint Goty (pc) Shadow Warrior (pc) B)...
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    Game Trading Community

    Thats too bad
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    Game Trading Community

    Thought you guys would be intrested in this site: Goozex Its sorta a mix between craigslist and gamestop. Also, when you just sign up you get enough free credits for a game (the selection of games under 100 isnt the best, but there are some gems for 100). I get some credits as well for...
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    Gonna Get A New Tattoo...

    Get Gp32 on your knuckles, then love on the other hand's knuckles :P
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    Gonna Get A New Tattoo...

    True true, just being difficult i suppose :P
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    Gonna Get A New Tattoo... :unsure: Anyways, I like the idea of "the world is yours" "but at what price?" this conveys a much different image than that of the cliche scarface movie poster and tagline. I think you can take the core idea from your 'scarface'...
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    Gonna Get A New Tattoo...

    Well, in my opinion I don't think you should get the tattoo. You are obviously a lot more conscious of what other people will think about your tattoo than thinking about your own reasons for getting it. If you are worried about the cliche image, then dont get it, simply find a tattoo that is...
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    Searching For A New Watch

    put your money towards a cellphone. Has all the features you could want in a watch and its much more practical than to try to get all the cellphone features onto a watch. :blink:
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    Hidden Political Messages.........?

    I was talking about Stairway to Heaven, heh sorry bout that :P
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    Hidden Political Messages.........?

    I'm not saying its true, but the words really do sound like the real words and the lyrics do make sense in a way. I listened to it, heard the words, then scrolled down to see the transcribed lyrics saying almost the same thing i heard without reading anything. I honestly think it sounds really...
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    Anyone Ever Think Of Sobriety?

    I've had some really really great times drinking with friends, its all about what you make of it guess. I've never been a club or party drinker either. I love drinking and being places outside, lately i've been drunk skating pretty often. Its great just cruising down the street with a couple...
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    Anyone Ever Think Of Sobriety?

    Haha how can you say smoking isnt hard to quit if you've never done it, its pretty damn hard and I have a pretty good amount of willpower. At times it becomes a similar sensation to being thirsty or hungry. Eat as many saltines as you can handle and dont drink any water, also have a nice big...
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    Compact Mp3 Player Question

    I've got my search pretty much narrowed down to the Cowon D2 4gb, the Clix2 8gb and I'm interested in the teclast t39 16gb but i couldn't find any place selling the t39. Do you guys have an experiences with any of these players? I especially need some help finding a place that sells the clix2...
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    Die Hard 4

    I dunno, I really liked the contrast between the nerdy guy and Mclane's savagery, haha like right after he rescues the computer hacker from the assassins and when he takes out the heli with the car. It was an entertaining movie, thats better than a lot of movies can do for me
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    Best Place To Get Pc Parts
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    Ds Homebrew...

    Any slot 1 solution cannot play any GBA homebrew/emulators, although the R4 can be used as a passme for a slot 2..just fyi
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    Lunar Lander

    I played the arcade version of this game in a space museum and fell in love. But now that I'm bored and feeling an urge to play the game again I just cant find it. The flash and java versions I've seen all suck, I was hoping someone could help me in my quest to emulate the real version, or very...
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    The "i've Got A New Game!" Thread

    I just got Stalker, at first i thought it was pretty bad, but i gave it a couple hours ( I've been waiting several years for the game, the least i could do is give it a real try :P ) and I got sucked in. I am lucky enough to A. have a 8800 gts and B. have a vista/XP dual boot set-up B) I've...
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    Stereoscopic 3d With Dual Projectors, For Gaming.

    Honey I shrunk the kids 3d ride? Is that the one your talking about, if so, yeah that was good, when the snake gets loose and there is some air thing that blows on your legs like a snake is going by...ahhh memories B)