Game Trading Community


Aug 25, 2003
san fran
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Thought you guys would be intrested in this site: Goozex

Its sorta a mix between craigslist and gamestop.

Also, when you just sign up you get enough free credits for a game (the selection of games under 100 isnt the best, but there are some gems for 100). I get some credits as well for refering you B)
I know this sounds like one of those free ipod pyramid schemes but its a legit website, just people trading their games in return for credits to buy other games.
andius said:
Thought you guys would be intrested in this site: Goozex

Its sorta a mix between craigslist and gamestop.

Also, when you just sign up you get enough free credits for a game (the selection of games under 100 isnt the best, but there are some gems for 100). I get some credits as well for refering you B)
I know this sounds like one of those free ipod pyramid schemes but its a legit website, just people trading their games in return for credits to buy other games.

I would, but no - go for U.K. :(

I get some credits as well for refering you

Well, thanks for being honest :P
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I can confirm that this does work though most of the games you can get for the 100 points suck (i got true crime streets of LA). Still, it doesn't seem like a great site for actual trading because its all very automated and hidden which would be great were it not run by some randomass company, i wouldn't trust them with my money or games but its certainly worth signing up just to get your free game and to help this guy out.
Jackd said:
I can confirm that this does work though most of the games you can get for the 100 points suck (i got true crime streets of LA). Still, it doesn't seem like a great site for actual trading because its all very automated and hidden which would be great were it not run by some randomass company, i wouldn't trust them with my money or games but its certainly worth signing up just to get your free game and to help this guy out.
Know of any others for 100 points? I've already played that one.
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theres actually quite a few pretty good 100 point games, obviously none of them are going to be recent, but its a good chance to pick up that classic game you never played for whatever reason.

Some notable ones I saw:
Shenmue 2 (xbox)
Operation Flashpoint Goty (pc)
Shadow Warrior (pc) B)
Battlefield 2 or Battlefield 2:SF (pc) BF1942 and some expansion packs are there as well, all 100 points each.
Carmageddon 2 (pc)
Combat Mission games (pc)
C&C: Red Alert and a lot of other C&C games/expansions (pc)
Dues Es (pc)

These are just some...i found it kinda fun looking through a bunch of free games and choosing the one I would get haha; like a kid in the candy store.