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  1. R

    Can I Charge My Caanoo And Wiz With The Same Usb Cable?

    No Wiz and Caanoo charging cable are not interchangeable even though they look and fit the same. I have both. They can transfer data using either cables though.
  2. R

    Tutorial For Getting Usb Controllers To Work On Caanoo.

    Got it to work on Picodrive. It wouldn't work at first because because I was running Ginge. GnGEO works automatically. Which other emulators support USB controllers?
  3. R

    Tutorial For Getting Usb Controllers To Work On Caanoo.

    I just purchased a Tomee SNES USB Controller. I'm trying to get it to work on my Caanoo. Is there a tutorial wiki page? Which emulators works with USB controllers? Only the directional button work automatically on Picodrive, the other buttons don't work. I couldn't get them to bind.
  4. R

    Tv Out Selfmade Cable?

    FYI, You can buy one from ebay. its $40 shipped from Korea.
  5. R

    GCW Zero - Open Source Gaming Handheld

    Will there be a download section for this handheld at Would love all sorts of emulators to be on this device.
  6. R

    Just sold Pandora to UK customer, does he have to pay custom fees?

    A lot of scammers on ebay. I'm afraid the buyer may use it against me when claiming for a refund, saying I lied on the customs form.
  7. R

    Just sold Pandora to UK customer, does he have to pay custom fees?

    Is there customs fees when Open Pandora mail units to USA customers? I paid $700 for mine, I don't remember paying any customs fees? I usually marked international shipments as gift but ebay said not to. I'm afraid if I marked as gift, the buyer may use it against me. I better follow ebay rules.
  8. R

    Just sold Pandora to UK customer, does he have to pay custom fees?

    I'm in the USA. Just sold 1 GHz Pandora to UK customer for $580 on ebay. What should I put in Country of Origin? USA or Germany? Does the UK customer have to pay custom fees? If so, how much?
  9. R

    PCSX ReArmed Cheats

    On screen it says SCUS94491 /SCUS94491 _S SCUS_94491 did not work _S SCUS94491 did not work Which format should I save in? ANSI/Unicode/UTF-8
  10. R

    PCSX ReArmed Cheats

    I have r17. I get failed to load cheats msg. I'm playing Legend Of Dragoon. Below is the dragoon.db I created in notepad, copying from cheatpops.db. What's wrong with it? I edited the _S line so it matches what is shown on screen. _S SCUS94491 _G Legend Of Dragoon _C0 MUST BE ON _L D007A39C...
  11. R

    Selling "First Batch" OpenPandora, 01/04/2013 - Lowered Price

    I have a 1GHz Pandora for sale if interested. I can trade with you. Your black pandora for my 1ghz pandora plus $350 because I paid $700 for mine. Question is PSX emulation on the 1st batch of Pandora identical...
  12. R

    1 GHz Pandora for sale on ebay. [SOLD]

    I'm selling my 1 GHz Pandora on ebay. I paid $720 for it, selling it for $590 shipped in the USA. International shipping is extra. Please check it out if interested.
  13. R

    How to show CPU load and FPS in Mupen64?

    How to show CPU load and FPS in Mupen64? Thanks in advance.
  14. R US/Canada Open Pandora Platinum ReBirth Edition & 1GHZ Free US Shipping UPS Ground

    I see. So I paid $700 so I can get it faster before Xmas. If i resell now, it would have to be under $600, wow what a fast price drop. :wacko:
  15. R US/Canada Open Pandora Platinum ReBirth Edition & 1GHZ Free US Shipping UPS Ground

    I'm curious how Link is able to undersell Evildragon/Craigx? Evildragon/Craigx sells for $700 while Link sells for $610. Are Link's units refurbished?
  16. R

    How to change CPU clock on Mupen64+?

    Thanks that helps.
  17. R

    How to change CPU clock on Mupen64+?

    I have a 1 GHz Pandora. Mupen64+ says CPU clock is 800. How to increase it to 1100?
  18. R

    how many 1 ghz preorders are left? and who has one coming !

    Yes I have iCP, there are other iCP clones out there. The good thing about iCP is you can use it on your new phone each time you upgrade. Where as we need to buy a whole new Pandora. I doubt there will be a Pandora 2 though since community is disappearing. Pretty much everyone in the GP2X...