Search results for query: *

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    Topic Search Has Stopped Working ?

    i havent been able to get the topic search to work for quite a while, when i type in something it says i must wait 20 seconds regardless of if i have done a search before or not, its quite annoying not being able to search internally as google doesnt bring up the articles im after :(
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    Play Asia Coupons

    i just got 2 play asia coupons. i dont want em so somone else can use them. CODE Code AR-RXU-FAT Get US$8 off a purchase of US$50 or more CODE Code LX-BUD-OMS Get US$12 off a purchase of US$100 or more these can only be redeemed once so please say if you use it.
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    Got A Quad Core

    i was getting sick of my games not running smooth so decided to upgrade to a core2quad, im pretty astounded at the speed of this thing. i did a dvd rip test with it (comparing to my p4 3ghz that i upgraded from) (some of the extra time comes from scanning the files before they were ripped and...
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    Die Hard 4

    i saw die hard 4 today and thought it was a great movie, although (SPOILERS NOW) i thought it was a bit boring for the first 30 minutes and reminded me too much of the willis movie 16 Blocks (where he had to escort a "prisoner" from the police station to courthouse) dh4 spent too much...
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    Gameboy Advance And Flashcards

    i fancy getting a flash card for my gb advance, anyone know what the best one to get is (id like to use sd cards) i dont really want to spend a lot of cash either, ive seen some cool cards that dont stick out of the advance but i have no clue where to get them from (out of stock everywhere)...
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    Simple Way To Grab Data Off Websites

    hi, theres some stats on a website that i would like to use (they change all the time) i was wondering what the best way to get them off the site automatically would be and then maybe have them turned into a jpg image that looks all flashy and nice and uploaded to my Ftp server ive tried some...
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    Remove Xgp From The Board Name

    anyone else think its a good idea to remove "xgp" from the forum title ? if the xgp is never going to come out and the subforums have been deleted i dont see a point in having it in the title.. (im talking about the title ; "GP32Xtreme - GP32 GP2X XGP Rules for GP32Xtreme Boards" "
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    Help In Getting 2x To Work Online

    im trying to make my 2x work so it will pickup internet radio is this possible to do with a usb cable ? i never tried before because the batterys would always die, but now that i have a power supply id like to use it to play internet radio (into my hifi)
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    anyone remember this game ? (i dont know if it was released) it came out in 2001/2002 i remember playing the demo and being blown away at the time, then never saw the game again, i was wondering if anyone remembers it or if its abandonware or somthing, (id love to play it if it was released) i...
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    Pdroms Dialog On The Wiki

    noticed this the other day (and posted in another thread about it) is it possible for somone to remove the popup box to connect and login to pdroms from the wiki, its really annoying and i dont know why it is on every wiki page. just having a mooch around, isnt even accessable...
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    Virus On

    the other day (when the forums were down) i decided to go and see if the site was down too (i know now they are not connected) but accidentally went to and got a virus from one of the pictures. the file was called : 7517p[1].jpg the virus : TROJ_ANICMOO.AX...
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    Power Adapter

    this may seem like a weird question but i found this adapter on and im wondering if i use a uk plug into the adapter if it will work in the uk ? im also wondering if anyone has tried these and what ma are they rated...
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    Anyone Played Fight Night Round 3 ?

    i have been trying to complete career mode but every time i fight the A.I. boxers never seem to get tired... anyone noticed this ? i like this game a lot but i dislike the unfairness of the a.i boxers :(
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    Warheads Se

    i was thinking this game would be cool on the gp2x (be it commercial/port/whatever) its actually shareware right now, not sure if its possible to get it working on the 2x, maybe the creators of the game would like to port it. i welcome any ideas or suggestions, im not begging for somone to port...
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    Picodrive And Saving Settings/controls

    ive started using picodrive which is an awesome app but im having trouble saving any of the key configs (i want to swap the A and C key on the 'md pad' for playing road rash 3 better). I save my settings and everytime i start it up its set to 8bit mode and my key settings are different =/ is...
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    Tight Vnc

    i was thinking this might be cool when the retail bobs/wifi and all that crap comes out (i know its possible now with a usb hub) , being able to control a bigger (more powerfull machine) remotely might be usefull, its also a way to get winxp onto the 2x (i...
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    i stumbled across this last night, i was looking for a new dvd player that could do divx/xvid and DVD of any region onto my tv screen with a hard disk inside it... this is no easy task for under £100 so i decided to build a pc that can do it (and more) then came the search for a nice OS...
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    Tv-out Slowdown

    i was just testing the tv out on my other tv (pal 4:3) using rgb ports on the front and every emulator i tried (neogeo,snes,md) and some video (avi) were really choppy thru the tvout, and the video wouldnt play at all on the tv (works on the 2x). i set the output to pal on the 2x, if my video...
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    Another Ext>usb Thread :s

    ok after extensive search of the forums, ive found schematics on howto make this f'in cable but im stuck... i can get all the parts and wire it up but where do the grounds go ? i read it has to go to the "common ground" but thats not much use (is it on the usb hub or the gp2x ?) im assuming...
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    Windows Doesnt Like My Gp2x :(

    hi i got the unit 2 days ago and today the sd card came, now when i plug the usb in i get this popup window in my systray saying windows doesnt know what the gp2x is... anyone know how to get it to see the gp2x ? sd card is 2gb samsung with 'digEcam' written on the front and im on winxp sp2...