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  • Users: pkostrze
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  1. pkostrze

    GCW Zero Gmenu2x skins

    I'm not sure how many devices are still using Gmenu2x but I'm still using my GP2X, Dingoo A320, and GCW Zero and they all use Gmenu2x so I'm still making, and updating, skins for them. I've just finished a pack of skins for the GCW Zero that may also work on devices, like the RG350, that are...
  2. pkostrze

    Dingoo Theme Emulator

    I've downloaded two theme emulators so I can try to make Dingoo themes without having to load them on an actual A320 first but I can't figure out either for the life of me! Any help? There seems to be some documentation for the French one but I can't understand French :( Thanks!
  3. pkostrze

    Gpsp Under Open2X

    Ever since upgrading to GPSP 0.9-2Xb-u6 on my F-100 with Open2X DR7 the program will run but when choosing a ROM, any ROM, it exits back to Gmenu2X. Compatibility mode does the same thing. Anyone have any suggestions (besides "Buy a Wiz/Dingoo/Pandora")?
  4. pkostrze

    F-100 F.e. Stupid Joystick

    I had a case for my GP2X that, apparently, pressed down on the joystick and now up, down, and right work fine but left is very iffy. How easy is it to troubleshoot the controls on a F-100 joystick? Could it just be a loose solder or something simple like that?
  5. pkostrze

    Open2x Sdhc

    I've visited the Open2x site and it only lists two SDHC cards, one working and one not. Is anyone running Open2x with a higher capacity SDHC card like a 16 or 32GB? I'm running DR4 on a F.E. MKI and am looking at a Transcend 16GB SDHC card and was wondering if anyone can offer any reviews of...
  6. pkostrze

    Open2x Nand Usb Access

    I'm trying to access the NAND through USB connection but nothing seems to connect. I'm running Open2x DR4.
  7. pkostrze

    Psx4all Error Message

    When running psx4all build 072407 I choose my OC speed and press Start when this message pops up: "ERROR: mmuhack.o NOT PROPERLY INSTALLED" I'm running Open2x DR4, does it have any problems with psx4all or is my mmuhack.o hosed?
  8. pkostrze

    Sdhc For F-100 Mki F.e.

    I'm hoping to make a jump from a 1GB SD to an 8GB SDHC and was wondering which is the best route to achieve this: Open2x DR4 or Firmware 4.x? I've not had any bad experiences upgrading my FW yet (from 1 to 2 to 2.1 to 3 so far) but Open2x sounds pretty cool. Has anyone compared Open2x and FW 4...
  9. pkostrze

    Gp32x Error Messages

    Whenever I open GP32x the far right panes for GP2X new files and GP32 new files are jammed full of error messages... this occurs under IE and Firefox. Just an FYI if no one else has mentioned it...
  10. pkostrze

    Custom Member Titles

    Okay, I've used the search and there are many different explanations of how many posts you need to have in order to set a custom title so I was wondering if there is an official, definitive answer. According to one post, 270 is the number but I still don't see any place to edit title in the My...
  11. pkostrze

    Gmenu2x Skins

    Okay, so far I've done Gmenu2x skins for Mac OS 9, BeOS, Amiga OS, AROS, and QNX RTOS. I'm running out of OSs that haven't been done as a skin before but I'm not bored yet so any suggestions? As long as there are screenshots on the web, I can do a halfway decent skin.
  12. pkostrze

    File Archive Courtesy

    Would it be too much to ask for people to leave a comment for files when voting? If you vote high, then tell the author you appreciate the file... if you vote low, explain what you didn't like. Maybe it's just me but if you download something, check it out and then vote a 1 or 2 without...
  13. pkostrze

    Http:// Update Time...

    How long does it typically take for a file to be approved following an update in the file archive? I wanted to re-update but it can't be done until it's approved... just curious.
  14. pkostrze

    Mk I Joystick

    I've had my MK I F.E. for quite a while now and have finally lost the joystick, for good this time. I know there are replacement sticks out there but, to be honest, I liked the MK I stick. Does anyone know where I can get another MK I stick? Please, I know everyone hates the MK I stick but...
  15. pkostrze

    Happy Birthday

    This month is my F100 First Editions second birthday! Happy birthday little guy.
  16. pkostrze

    Battery Issues

    I have a MK1 F.E. and have been using Energizer 2500MaH rechargable batteries since I got it. I've been having problems with the batteries being recently charged and the unit gets the colored lines at startup or the fuzzy green screen... I pop the batteries out and then back in and sometimes it...
  17. pkostrze

    Gmenu2x Screenshots

    I'm using Gmenu2x ver 0.9 and when I hit A+L+R it takes a screenshot but when I go to the folder there are 3 or 4 0Kb files. Anyone else have this happen? Edit - I'm a moron and didn't wait until it was done taking the shot... I should never have doubted Ryo.
  18. pkostrze

    Fw 3.0 Skin Font Color Problem

    I've posted this before in the past but never got an answer so I'm going to give it another shot. Whenever I make a skin, I can change the color of the fonts for everything except movie player. All screens in my skins have black text but I can't get the stupid movie selector screen to change...
  19. pkostrze

    Dynamism Store

    I'm not sure if it's just me or not but I've come to the conclusion that if I won the lottery I'd go to and buy one of everything. I love my GP2X more than anything I've ever owned but I'm too much of a gadget geek to not salivate at the offerings on this...
  20. pkostrze

    Wifi Sd Card Announced

    Eye-Fi has announced that later this year there will be a WiFi SD card released with a storage capacity of 2Gb and a WiFi connection that turns itself off when not in use to save battery life. The unit is expected to be $100.00 USD. If this isn't exactly the sort of thing that the GP2X needs...