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  • Users: aholmes
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  1. A

    Another Pandora 1ghz for sale (SOLD)

    Selling another pandora 1ghz to raise funds for my house purchase. Comes with original box, stylus, case, battery case and brand new TV out cable. Everything works. The case is in great condition except a slight crack in one corner of the lid. Does not come with charger and sd cards. Looking for...
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    Pandora 1ghz (SOLD)

    Selling my Pandora 1 ghz. Everything works. No cracks in case. Comes with battery, stylus, box, carry case and brand new TV out cable. No charger included but can use psp charger. Does not include sd cards. You will have to put your own software on it. I will re-flash it to latest firmware...
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    [SOLD] OK, I've changed my mind. My Pyra is up for sale. Need to raise some funds.

    Up for sale now. Need to raise some funds as I'm buying a new house. Asking around £600. Everything in as new condition. Will ship to UK only. Message me if interested.
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    Some Pyra software not working

    Hi guys I'm not able to get Supertux, Duke 3d, N64 emulator and some other applications working on my pyra as yet. I've followed the instructions on how to install them etc but they fail to load up. I've manage to get streets of rage remake and PS1 emulator working but only in window mode. I...
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    Pyra- To sell or not to sell. That is the question

    Hi guys. Got my Pyra two days ago. I'm very limited with what i can do with it as not much software out for it yet. I can play streets of rage remake and psx games but only in window mode. I already have 4 Pandoras to keep me busy so not sure whether to keep the Pyra and wait for software to be...
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    I always keep coming back to the Pandora

    My three little beauties. Retro gaming at its best
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    Mupen64plus settings

    I am playing mario 64 on Rice GLES2 video plugin on my pandora rebirth but i am missing the shadows on mario and trees etc. I also have the 1ghz version and use the exact same settings and everything is displayed correctly. How can i rectify this on the rebirth edition.
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    Help needed (icons display incorrectly in minimenu)

    hello people Everytime i start my pandora up all the pnd icons display the same. I always have to press Select and choose the option to Scan all application so it will display the correct pnd icons. Ive got the latest firmware and i tried different sd cards but had no luck.
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    What can I do now.

    Oh dear, looks like i've been scammed by Ocean112. I decided to buy his 1 ghz pandora from him as he mentioned he had one for sale, see other thread. After a few message to him I paid $335 via paypal to ship it the UK. He said he would send me a tracking number as soon as he shipped it which...
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    Broken Pandora

    Hello Ed Just wondered if I could send you my somewhat broken pandora for you to have a look at.
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    Possible fault with Pandora 1GHZ. please help

    Hi guys. I recently purchased a 1ghz pandora off ebay from a person from spain. Ive just recieved the unit and its not working as it should. The pandora was on when i open the box and flipped up the screen i.e. LED lights were on. I then quickly tested the nubs and buttons to make sure they were...
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    Is this a scam??

    Hi guys Bought a pandora off ebay almost a week ago but have not heard of anything from the seller. I've asked him twice whether he has shipped it or not but not got a reply. Seems a bit of a scam I guess and I'm 400 pounds down. Any thoughts on this...
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    Craigs selling even more pandoras on ebay for £89

    check out the link people
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    Craig's selling more Pandoras on Ebay for £135
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    Carry Case

    Good Afternoon Mr EVIL DRAGON Is there any chance you will have any more soft carry cases in the future in your shop? Only reason i ask is the one I have now is starting to wear a little and can do with a brand new one. Thanks
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    Carry Case

    Hi all Anyone got a carry case for sale, the official pandora one with the zip. I've checked Eds shop and I don't think he stocks them anymore. I ordered one from craig's shop back in the summer but I think he has now stopped selling accessories now. The only resaon i want another one is...
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    Anyone know how to overclock Mup64 emulator?

    As title suggests, is there a way I can overclock this emulator manually as its default clock is at 800. I cant find any settings in the config program.
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    Caanoo Acting Strange

    Hi everyone My caanoo has been acting very strange over the past six months. One night, after using the device I left my caanoo on the side of my bed when I've noticed that it kept turning itself on and off with the blue light coming on at the side for no reason at all. Eventually it drained...
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    Repair followup

    Hi ed , again. Any chance mine has been repaired at all. I sent you my details through PM last week and the only response I tend to get back is 'I'll check that for you' and nothing else seems to happen after that. There is no follow up with it. I think in the end I have to accept that I'm...
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    NEW Pandora Case with LCD assesmbled

    Hello EVIL DRAGON As you may know my first gen Pandora should be with you for the lcd cable repair. However, I've now decided that I want a new case with the new lcd cables and new lcd screen all pre assembled. The question is, If I PAY for the new case from your shop would it be possible to...