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  • Users: Geca
  • Content: Threads
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  1. Geca

    Music player/rip for Pinball Action

    Regards, I want to rip the sound of Pinball Action arcade, but the players and tools I know don't support this game, like M1. One of the players (I don't remember now the name, later I say), have support to others games from Tehkan, I change the xml to load Pinball rom instead of another...
  2. Geca

    Problems adding files to repo!

    Is the third time I have this error: WARNING: there seems to be an error with the data from one of your <application> blocks. We need you to fix your PXML and then re-upload. Thanks! MISSING: xml elements: author | - application block1 But in the past I update more games with the...
  3. Geca

    Release [Windows/OpenPandora/Caanoo/Gp2x Wiz] Hamster's Escape 3D

    Windows's%20Escape%203D%20(Windows).rar Open Pandora,1,2,0,27,476 Caanoo,1,2,0,27,866 Gp2x Wiz...
  4. Geca

    Release Art Shot

    I'm finish the port of Art Shot to Open Pandora. It is a port of the PC version, that is, the best version, with 640x480 resolution (with option to 800x480 fullscreen). 12 years old already has the baby xD
  5. Geca

    [Programming Competition!] 'making My Game The Way I Like 2012

    Hi. It's only to inform you, we start a new homebrew game programming competition called 'Making my Game the way I like 2012'. The competition ends 31 October 2012, you can made the game you want, in tecnology you want and plataform you want. The rules at the moment are available only in...
  6. Geca

    [Programming competition!] 'Making my Game the way I like 2012'

    Hi. It's only to inform you, we start a new homebrew game programming competition called 'Making my Game the way I like 2012'. The competition ends 31 October 2012, you can made the game you want, in tecnology you want and plataform you want, including of course, Pandora. The rules at the...
  7. Geca

    Bennugd - Module Yeti3Dpro: Second Version

    Finally it's working the BennuGD - Yeti3DPro module, second version, with many more functions. I show a video running on Caanoo, this week it be released for Caanoo, Wiz and Open Pandora.
  8. Geca

    Release BennuGD - Module Yeti3Dpro: Second Version

    Finally it's working the BennuGD - Yeti3DPro module, second version, with many more functions. I show a video running on Caanoo, this week it be released for Caanoo, Wiz and Open Pandora.
  9. Geca

    Irrlicht Engine

    Hi. Is Irrlicht Engine ported to Pandora ? Thanks.
  10. Geca

    Release Mr. Sitwell in Turbo WC Magical Adventure

    Hi. I made the port of the WiiMax 2011 game contest winner 'Mr. Sitwell in Turbo WC Magical Adventure (v1.3)', a game by Gabriel Garrote (La Momia que Fuma). The game is released originally for PC and Wii, and comes now to Gp2x Wiz, Caanoo and Open Pandora, I will release the game for GPH...
  11. Geca

    Release PolloPollo, out now!

    The original PSP Puzzle Game 'PolloPollo' comes now for Open Pandora. You can buy PolloPollo on Pandora repo: The prize is 3 euros, include the Game, BOX / DVD /SD Covers, and 52 pages manual, on PDF. Features - 1P & 2P mode...
  12. Geca

    Pollux For Pandora ?

    Hi. Is Pollux ported to Pandora ? If not, It's posible to speed up the procesor on the execution of the aplication, and reset it on exit, by script ? Thanks.
  13. Geca

    Release Bennugd R263 For Open Pandora

    Finally I can made the port (thanks to SplinterGU). Download BennuGD r263 for Open Pandora: BennuGD r263 To identify the OS where BennuGD is running use 'os_id'. In Open Pandora 'os_id' is: "os_id = 1010" or "os_id = OS_PANDORA".
  14. Geca

    Caanoo / WIZ I Need Some Libs In Fault On The Wiz Toolchain

    Hi, I need some libs in fault on the Wiz Toolchain. The libs I need compiled to Gp2x Wiz, are: - zlib (-lz) - sdl Image (-lSDL_image) - Unicode Font (-lunicodefont) Someone can help me to find them ? Thanks.
  15. Geca

    Snesgp2X For Caanoo

    Hi, i've ported the old snes emu SNESGP2X to the Caanoo. At the moment I need to remap the buttons, anyone can help me with this ? I don't know the key codes... These are the gp2x keys: if (joydown[0x00]) val |= SNES_UP_MASK; if (joydown[0x02]) val |= SNES_LEFT_MASK; if (joydown[0x04])...
  16. Geca

    Pollo Pollo

    Pollo Pollo Hello. After quite some time now I can comment you more details. It is a commercial game, will be available in the next 1 or 2 months, in the following platforms: - Caanoo - Gp2x Wiz - Pandora Be distributed under the seal of Benu Digital, a company that holds the rights of the...
  17. Geca

    Release The Fantastic Tale Of The Stolen Moon

    Hi, I've ported this beautiful game at Pandora. 32 bits of color and native resoltion of 800x480 (the Pandora resolution :D). The Fantastic Tale Of The Stolen Moon (Version 1.0) for 1 or 2 Players VS on the same Pandora. Download
  18. Geca

    Release Bennugd Module - True Type Fonts (Ttf) (V1.0)

    I made the Port of the famous True Type Fonts. Now for use in your BennuGD games for Open Pandora. Ported by Sandman for BennuGD (Windows) and ported by GECA soft for Open Pandora console. Installation: Just put '' in BennuGD runtime directory. Download
  19. Geca

    3Do Emulator For Handhelds

    Hi, It's posible a port of FreeDo to Caanoo, Wiz or Pandora ? I've compiled the core easily on Linux, the source of the IDE is in fault (the last year the autor say he want to release them, but is not yet available). Any info about that ? Thanks.
  20. Geca

    Pandora Freetype Ported To Pandora ?

    Hi, is the freetype6.dll ported to Pandora ? Where I can find it ? For Wiz and Caanoo is ported ? Thanks