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  • Users: jabz
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  1. J

    [SOLD] Pandora 1GHz Rebirth Ed

    Hi looking to sell my Pandora 1GHz Rebirth edition. Excellent condition, Works fine, No cracks in case. Thought I'd try here first before ebay Comes with Battery, Stylus, Box, Carry Case (not in photo), Offical Pandora Charger with AU/NZ plug but plug adapter can be changed out to one with US...
  2. J

    Pyra or...

    I'm thinking... the only reason why I use my Pandora for is gaming/emulators nothing more, nothing less. So upgrading to the Pyra I will be looking for better performance from emulators and more native ports? due to the increase in performance and I like the form factor. If I consider instead...
  3. J

    Found iControlpad!

    So I recently found my long lost iControlpad, are there any instructions on setting it up to use as a second controller on the Pandora with TV OUT? Once setup would it work on all emulators as 2nd player? I seem to have one of the first batch ones, does anyone know where I can get a set of...
  4. J


    Has anyone got WolfenDOOM running on the Pandora?  How does it run?  I Only just discovered it exists!  I like FPS that have humans rather than monsters, so this merging of Doom and Wolf3d sounds perfect.
  5. J

    WTB: icp1 rubber sides & universal clamp

    As the topic states, please pm if you have any rubber sides, and universal holder spare to sell.
  6. J

    {SOLD} 1GHz unit for sale

    Hi I have a spare 1GHz unit I can sell, not been used much, only powered on to ensure its functioning and launched a couple of emu. Got it for my bro who doesn't want it now as he got a phone. Paid full price. I'll sell it for £320 / US$500 + shipping from New Zealand. I'll have to find...
  7. J


    :) Anyone found a good combination of Key bindings to play Virus on UAE4ALL 2.0? I tried the nubs and it's impossible to control my craft.  Even small movements I can never upright the ship when it turns upside down! I initially tried to get Lander/Zarch running on pandrpcemu emu cause I used...
  8. J

    1GHz Useability

    Now that I have a 1GHz unit with latest O/S software, I want to know if some issues are resolved from when I had a CC unit which I sold in April. Some questions are about the 1GHz unit only. 1. Can wifi be used in Minimenu now? 2. I still get the "Enter password for default keyring to...
  9. J

    Android vs Pandora

    Thinking about a few things, I only use my Pandora for emu gaming. Was considering getting the Samsung Galaxy S3 and sell off my iPhone 4S, and use the Galaxy with ICP Which system has more readily available emulators Pandora or Android? I'm not up with the play on Android emulators, are...
  10. J

    [SOLD] Open Pandora for Sale

    Will ship anywhere Worldwide Selling my Pandora, is from Craig's preorder batch, premium upgrader, received in April 2011. I haven't had any issues with it. I am selling to help me fund a 1GHz unit. Completely working condition, Internal Wifi is working too. Usual casing anomalies, couple...
  11. J

    Alt + Tab?

    How do I get out of this situation, without reset. Happens if I press the Pandora key in some emu/games. If I press Fn + ESC it will take me back to a login screen however the game screen will remain in front.
  12. J

    Crack(s) appearing

    The below pic is the start of a crack, currently its very thin but I can see it progress across and down towards the screen casing edges. I have ordered some sugru. I was wondering would sugru fix a crack this thin and how to get it in without getting it into the screen casing edges? 2nd pic...
  13. J


    I'm starting to play Wolfenstein 3D and Spear of Destiny via Wolf3D SDL. Is there a way to play with Hires textures and models? Like the iPhone version has updated textures with no jaggies.
  14. J


    Why does the clock apps Timezone selection only have 2 entreis for Pacific?? I am in New Zealand, I remeber NZ being there possibly prior to HF 5 So how to set my timezone to Pacific\Auckland?
  15. J

    Screen Calibration

    I find even after I tried calibrating my screen a few times, I am unable to click accurately at the edges of the screen, when I drag or click at the edges the mouse cursor sits slightly below as if it is the furtherest it will go and cannot be go any higher inline with where the stylus is...
  16. J

    Uneven lines on Pandora case edge.

    Was having an extreme close look at my Pandora casing due to the reports of cracking couldn't fine any, only a real faint one. I can see some quite uneven lines where the 2 halves of the bottom case meet. Also on the top edge of the LCD screen and the edges of the long rectangular cutout in...
  17. J

    Battery drain post Hotfix 5

    Ever since I've loaded hotfix5 my battery drains overnight. 2 Days ago I had fully charged and played some games before going to bed it was showing 80%, I slid the power button to put into sleep mode and in the morning I tried to power up wouldn't turn on. I connected the power supply and...
  18. J

    Hotfix questions

    Received my Pandora couple of days ago. The boot screen doesn't show Hotfix5, so can I check via terminal issuing a uname -r or cat /etc/issue? What does it show for hotfix ver? I have installed a lot of PND and roms on the SD, but hardly modified any settings. So should I install Hotfix 5...
  19. J


    I'm trying to play SpyHunter.d64 image via Vice, when the game loads it mentions the keys are I =up, J=left, K=down, L=right. A=fire. Was wondering how I can change these to use the DPad for directions and buttons for Fire and special weapons?
  20. J


    Just wondering about the 12 month warranty. How are OPT tracking these for the users who are receiving their Pandora's given that payment may have been made 2years ago? When does the warranty come into affect, as soon as you receive and open the package?