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    Gary Gygax Failed A Saving Throw Against Death This Morning.

    The pessimist in me begs to ask, though, "Daaaaaaamn, is 4th edition THAT BAD???".
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    Gary Gygax Failed A Saving Throw Against Death This Morning. The man. The legend. The creator of the most controversial and most well known role playing game on the planet. Gary Gygax passed away this morn due to health complications, after his health had been declining since january. Let us...
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    Post Your Desktops

    Thanks :D
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    Post Your Desktops

    @clarky2o2o what is that desktop from? Skies of Arcadia?
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    Source For A Replacement Screen Panel? A highly in-depth tutorial on how to quick-fix it.
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    Wow? On The Gp2x? Could This Be....possible? Nay!

    QUOTE the use of the google code program "Telekinesis", to stream WoW onto the Iphone, and play it VIA the Iphone. QUOTE Now, obviously, the Gp2x is not an Iphone, but i do wonder at the possibilities of a similiar program combined with the break-out box. An interesting theory, ne? From the...
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    Wow? On The Gp2x? Could This Be....possible? Nay!

    *sigh* Why do people post without reading the links these days? Its over wireless. Like the iphones internet connection :rolleyes:
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    Wow? On The Gp2x? Could This Be....possible? Nay!

    In the case i posted above, however, WoW is rather playable (speed wise) on the Iphone using this theory. Which is why i thought an equivalent application might be useful for playing games on the GP2x with the break-out box. Or running emulators remotely, etc.
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    Best Psx Games?

    Legend of the Dragoon is Very awesome. Highly reccomend it. Also, check out Spyro: Ripto's rage, Castlevania: Symphony of the night, Chrono Cross, and Crusader: No remorse.
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    Wow? On The Gp2x? Could This Be....possible? Nay!

    So i'm browsing around the Sauerbraten forums and i find this topic, discussing the use of the google code program "Telekinesis", to stream WoW onto the Iphone, and play it VIA the Iphone. Now, obviously, the Gp2x is not an Iphone, but i do wonder at the possibilities of a similiar program...
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    Legal Issues Regarding Emulators And Roms

    From the Digital Milleniums Copyright Act, addendum november 2006: QUOTE Computer programs and video games distributed in formats that have become obsolete and that require the original media or hardware as a condition of access, when circumvention is accomplished for the purpose of...
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    Usb Connection Will Not Work.

    Thanks a bunch.
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    Usb Connection Will Not Work.

    I know of no updated drivers....
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    Usb Connection Will Not Work.

    "USB device not recognized" Every time i try to plug the 2X into my computer, i get this message, flashing repeatedly in a little balloon. I require help fast, as i broke my thumbdrive SDreader, and want to try the new SSNES and S-CD emulators :angry:
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    Broken Glass! :(;hl=cd+case+mod Step by step instructions on dismantling and re-assembly. With optional Jewel case temporary solution (although its been 7 months and i'm still using the same case i installed when i wrote that :P)
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    I had the same problem, although i had to make a new protective screen out of a jewel case, and luckily my LCD didn't break.;hl=cd+case+mod The instructions on getting it dismanteled completely and re-assembled can be found in there, which should...
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    The Rabbit Joint

    Look up Powerhouse by Raymond Scott, its segments have been in every cartoon ever made. ;)
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    The Rabbit Joint

    I am now Nova. No one can contest this fact.
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    The Rabbit Joint

    One of the more legendary and definitely creepy hacking incidents. :o
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    The Rabbit Joint

    I felt a summons from across the depths of time....