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  1. Halcyon

    SONY PlayStation Vita (PS Vita)

    I haven't been on this board for a long time but i'm glad to see the usaul suspects are still here.  I think I can answer the question about the region protection on the Vita because I live it :) So here is what I have: Eurpoean Vita PSN account that I created in the USA and is registered...
  2. Halcyon

    Fun Free Co-Op games in browser?

    hello everyone, My girlfriend is studing in the UK and I'm in Austria and I am looking for some fun free games we can play together over the internet. She has a mac and I have PC and I don't know anything about Mac so I can't really help her through software installation and she is...
  3. Halcyon

    SONY PlayStation Vita (PS Vita)

    Wow is the PSVita dead? I haven't been on this site in a month and there was no updates to board. I'm sorry to show up with just a question but once again i'm pretty confused. I have wipeout 2048 and HD and Fury on the PS3. It seems like I should be able to play the content of HD and Fury on...
  4. Halcyon

    SONY PlayStation Vita (PS Vita)

    ok right on!!! thank you everyone for helping me play some ps1 games properly!!!
  5. Halcyon

    SONY PlayStation Vita (PS Vita)

    Ok so sorry to be a totally annoying member but, now that I got my copy of FF8 and FF9 up and running i can't get it to use the joysticks or change the frame size. I recall with the PSP i could change disks and turn on graphical smothing ect but I don't seem to have a single one of those options...
  6. Halcyon

    SONY PlayStation Vita (PS Vita)

    jumpman that worked perfectly sometimes I wonder why my google searches don't yeild good results but at any rate danke !!
  7. Halcyon

    SONY PlayStation Vita (PS Vita)

    Jumpman, would it be possible to write a little step by step guide of what I need to do to get these games on my PSVITA So I have FF8 and FF9 installed on my PS3 and when i connect my PSVita with the cable to the PS3, I can't figure out how to move games to the Vita, I can move photos, songs...
  8. Halcyon

    SONY PlayStation Vita (PS Vita)

    Hey guys and gals, So i'm not sure when it officially came out but the new firmware 1.80 is available and with it you can play PS1 games. However when i look in my history of games i have purchased: Megaman 2 FF 8 FF 9 Alundra DarkForces the only one that I can download and play is...
  9. Halcyon

    Release [Upcoming] Pandora Clock

    sleep mode or an extremely dim mode would be perfect also this looks really great I have benn wanting a clock with weather updates for a long time cant wait to try :lol:
  10. Halcyon

    NiGHTs into Dreams HD Remake

    yeah I heard the wii one sucked too but never played it , what was so bad about it? also no the memory cards I have are not official but they both stopped working at the same time so I thought it was the saturn for sure
  11. Halcyon

    Troll Alert

    great video post zero one, pretty much sums up my opinion as well.
  12. Halcyon

    Troll Alert

    I'm pretty excited to see what she has to say, I'm pretty sure it will just make my blood boil and get me all worked up based off of her comments on movies and such but I love discussions about video games and culture. I think in all likely hood I will be evaluating her on her capacity to be...
  13. Halcyon

    NiGHTs into Dreams HD Remake

    I have 2 and neither one reads from the Saturn, Do Sega saturn circuit schematics exist? Maybe it is some kind of transiever defect?
  14. Halcyon

    NiGHTs into Dreams HD Remake

    my Saturn stopped being able to read the memory cards, anyone else have that problem? so im always agonizing over my limited save file space . I really love this game and am hopeful that high sales might generate interest in a high quality sequel
  15. Halcyon

    SONY PlayStation Vita (PS Vita)

    damn milkshake thats a solid collection what is your best and worst game ?
  16. Halcyon

    CALLING ALL MEGA MAN FANS!! There is a genuine chance to get the Legends 3 prologue-game onto the 3D

    hey Prom, im sure can hopefully copy and paste your responce from some where but which megaman legends game did you like more and why? I have them both for playsation 1 so that is the version im familiar with if that matters.
  17. Halcyon

    Rare & Cool Vectrex Items On Ebay!

    I understand completely, it is a hard realization that there is a finite amount of time for everything including gaming. I used to be a collector although I was poor and not very good so I never had a big collection I did get the feeling that the things I owned started to own me, to borrow a...
  18. Halcyon

    Rare & Cool Vectrex Items On Ebay!

    how well does the wireless snes controller work ? bummer about your collection that must hurt :(
  19. Halcyon

    Easter Eggs?

    um maybe easter eggs with Hitler might not be the way to go. maybe im missing something but that seems a bit insensitive to me.
  20. Halcyon

    Release SuperZaxxon Final released!

    sweeeeeeeeet! Danke !