Rare & Cool Vectrex Items On Ebay!


Advanced Member
May 20, 2006
Sin City
Sadly, I have to part with a portion of my Vectrex collection(about 1/3), so my loss is someone else's gain I suppose. For those of you "Retro Gamer" readers in the UK, the latest issue has a Vectrex buyers guide, and the Vectorcade Joystick I have listed is in the guide.


I'm not sure if we have any Vectrex fans in the community, but I always try to promote my classic gaming collections here, as I never know who may be interested.

Thanks Again,


Why do you feel you have to part with some of your collection? Defeats the purpose of collecting retro/vintage video game things doesnt it?
Thanks for the kind words guy/gals, selling off my collection always hurts a little, but I have done it several times over the years, so it hurts less everytime I have to do it now :P . The main reason I'm selling this current set is due to needing the money. In the past I have sold sets because I needed the space, or the funds, or I just realized I no longer wanted the collection(let someone else enjoy it).

My collecting originally started out as just buying games to play, and then over the years, those games grew to be to much to play, so they turned into collections. I always planned to retire to a deserted island at some point and then catch up on all of my back log of games, but I came to my senses years ago and I knew that wasn't going to happen(great dream while it lasted though, but I could live to a thousand and I would have never finished them all).

Seven years ago, I found out my girfriend(now my wife) was pregnant, and thats when I started first clearing out certain things. We needed the space for jr, and the extra money helped out, but wasn't really required at the time, as we both had good jobs(she still does, I don't). Taking care of Jr has been my full time job for many years now.

For me, collecting has always been a catch 22. Some of my better sets have been so nice, that I never play them, as they are worth to much. Then, if I'm not willing to play them, what's the point in having them right? I'm not one of those guys who would buy a million dollar car if I couldn't drive it, but in the back of my mind, I would be "holy shit, this is a million dollar car" maybe I should leave it in the garage. Some things I own are nice and delicate and are meant to be displayed and looked at, but games are meant for playing. The Vectrex stuff I currently have listed is the lesser portion of that set(minus a few items like the Vectorcade or 3D Imager). So the portion I still have is way better than what is currently listed, but who knows, I may list that stuff sooner than later.

I used to collect comic books, and the same situation happened. I had books that where worth hundreds and thousands of dollars, then I would never remove them and read them due to the value, so I sold those off as well. So I still collect many things, and I still have way more stuff than should have, but I try to collect stuff that I'm not to scared to play and use ;)


Actually, I never used it. I have read that it is one of the better wireless SNES pads, but I bought it cheap and I already have a wireless massiah pad, so I never bothered to try this one out. The Messiah was the best one ever made, but it came out years after the SNES life cycle, so it uses better tech, so it works as a wireless device should. Get one if you ever have the chance, they are really nice, but they are a little on the rare side and can be kind of expensive now. They also made a wireless NES pad as well.

I understand completely, it is a hard realization that there is a finite amount of time for everything including gaming. I used to be a collector although I was poor and not very good so I never had a big collection I did get the feeling that the things I owned started to own me, to borrow a cliche. I had to move a lot and couldn't take the time to build up my display cases or alphabetically set up the games. I started to sell a few things but more importantly I tried only to buy what I would use.

it is hard because I love gaming and want to be a bit of an elitist in the field to reflect my passion, but the truth is it detracts from the fun of it and that's what it really should be about.
it is hard because I love gaming and want to be a bit of an elitist in the field to reflect my passion, but the truth is it detracts from the fun of it and that's what it really should be about.
I couldn't have said it better my self, and this is how I have felt for many years, and you can easily loose sight of the true meaning of gaming and collecting.

The best part of selling my collections over the years has come from learning the skill of sales. Over the last 10 years, I have sold any and everything to every corner of the world. I sold a friends Dreamcast to someone in Africa, I had one of my other Vectrex units go to Italy, and I have sold so many things to every point inbetween. Doing this helped to open my mind to selling things not just in my town, but on the internet and to consumers around the world.

I can't put a price on those experiences, and I continue to think about how I can improve doing this so that one day I can do it fulltime. So at the end of the day, it hurts a little to get rid of things, but it also feels good to move them to homes where others can enjoy them, and maybe sell them as well, so it's good.


Some of these items won't be up again for a long, long, long time, if at all. Don't miss your chance to get some great Vectrex collectibles.
