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    How Many Games Do You Finish?

    I buy more than I play :unsure: I've somehow become more of a collector. btw. Heres a list of my current uncompleted games(rpgs): Valkyrie profile Alundra Star ocean Arc the lad 2 & 3 Tales of destiny 1 Grandia Breath of fire 4 Lunar 2 The legend of dragoon*sigh* Growlanser 2 & 3 Xenosaga 2...
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    The Most Horrible Games Of All Time!

    Hi-octane for sega saturn
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    Mariokart Ds

    :rolleyes: Code: 068781-129131 name: Cless 7 wins, 18 losses :o I've added everyone on this thread*choking*
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    Mario Kart Ds Wi-fi

    So anyone here up for a match? Add me... Code: 068781-129131 name: Cless
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    List Your Retro-machines You Still Use

    My neo geo aes comes in use quite often (2player. Samsho 2 and Breakers Revenge most of the time.) Other than that I do love to turn on the saturn for some sega rally and I've been thinking about finish albert odyssey once again. Also I do use my Playstation. Mostly because of the high amount...
  6. T Selling Gp32 Games!

    Hmm... those gp32 games wasn't there when I last checked that site, just 2 days ago.
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    Snes Emu On Psp

    yes, snes emu(especially tyl) is pretty great on psp. Most rpg's runs great. Just completed tales of phantasia on the go X]
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    Post Your Handheld Collections!!

    just check out my sig and you'll get the idea. ;)
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    Real Animal Crossing Thread

    Just got mario kart, really really nice! can't wait til I get wi-fi! ... next up is animal crossing :wub:
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    The Official, "i've Got Mine" Thread

    Got mine just after the japanese release (12/12) games: Legend of heroes: a tear of vermillion Ridge racer Vampire: chronicle Twisted metal Metal gear Ac!d Tony Hawk
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    Real Animal Crossing Thread

    I should pick this up soon, since I won't wait til the european release. But I do want mario kart to. which one should I get first ..hmm.. -_-
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    Come Get Some :)

    ....Okay.... That is awsome, Now i'll pick up gp32 again!
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    Psp2tv Looks great but.... $119.95, WTH!
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    Nds - Worth Buyin?

    Ok I'm about to order a ds system + Castlevania DS (jap) What color should I get, don't have a clue... is the graphite black one nice?
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    Nds - Worth Buyin?

    I still think castlevania is the only interesting game for ds...
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    Psp Emulators

    Metal slug runs perfectly, every single game I've tried so far runs nicely.
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    Psp Emulators

    Yoyofr just released a snes9x port to psp! this is awsome, runs great!! :lol:
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    Ds Emu For Psp

    most likly fake from what I've read on the dcemu forum.
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    Worst Joke Of A System Ever

    I love my saturn ;[ dunno ..I haven't tried any particulary bad system, ... virtual boy I guess
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    A Nice Thread All About The Psp

    just played pulstar and last blade 2, completly flawless!!!!! could've been actual release titles for the psp. :o