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  • Users: Simon
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  1. S

    I Could Cry :(

    I back everything up onto a Commodore 64 tape drive via a parallel cable and a small server program that runs on the 64. I figure that since I have 20 year old tapes that still work for the c64 it must be the way to go. ps. This is a joke pps. I knew a guy in Adelaide who actually did this in...
  2. S

    Windows 3.11

    I have a stack (maybe 500) of brand new DSDD 5.25" floppies :) Just thought Id mention it just in case someone hooks a floppy drive to the gp2x :D
  3. S

    Vice Skips On Gp2x?

    ...Vice pwns frodo in terms of accuracy of emulation..... has anyone made any attempt at figuring this out? It looks like the gp2x is fast enough to run vice, because for those few brief moments between pauses, emulation appears to be 100% :) Has anyone run Vice on gp2x and *not* had these pauses?
  4. S

    An Interview With Orkie

    His thoughts on GPL are hilarious. If you dont like the GPL, dont use GPL licensed code! Sure there are plenty of libraries you cant use, but the same is true of proprietary stuff. What he's saying is 'I wish the authors of libmad licensed it under MY terms'. The world doesnt work like that...
  5. S

    Vice Skips On Gp2x?

    Hi all Im trying to use vice 1.21 on gp2x, but Im having issues. Every half a second or so, the emulation skips (audio and video), no matter what my frameskip settings are. Does anyone have any idea why, and how I might fix it? it makes everything unplayable. Thanks
  6. S

    Play Module With Mikmod.h

    That seems to be the same issue Alex is having. I definitely have the OSS driver though. Any gurus willing to help with this? Id hate to release something that uses mikmod but did work on some units. Thanks
  7. S

    Gamepark Updated Its Homepage (may 18)

    I realised that, but its nice to warm up cold threads every now and then ;) EDIT: BTW, can we now discount the xgp as vapourware?
  8. S

    Gp2x Community Game Contest: Winners!

    I just played a few of the games - kudos to everyone, especially barefisted fighter which is one of the most professional homebrews Ive seen, is pretty good fun, and with some minor tweaking could be the definitive 2x fighter. Squares didnt excite me too much, however it was very professional...
  9. S

    Play Module With Mikmod.h

    so, I compiled a binary that works on my gp2x, but doesnt work on yours? Perhaps some others would test it for us?
  10. S

    Gp2x Community Game Contest: Winners!

    We need a Zzap!2X :) /me pictures himself in typical Zzap! 'thumbs up' picture :) Is Newsfield even still in existance?
  11. S

    Play Module With Mikmod.h

    From memory so am I. Have you made any changes to your firmware? Perhaps you should consider reflashing it? Very very weird. I cant understand it, because /dev/dsp is /dev/dsp. If you can get sound, you can get sound. What would be the difference between playing a mod and playing an ogg?
  12. S

    GP2X Embedding Assembler In C

    awesome! Thats exactly what I want, brilliant! Thanks
  13. S

    GP2X Embedding Assembler In C

    yeh, I considered just pushing to a stack, but for me any redundancy just isnt acceptable :D I come from a 6502 assembler background so squeezing performance is ingrained in me :D Good idea of looking at the compiled code though. Ill check out the docs, thanks!
  14. S

    Segfault With Optimization

    I got samba working and telnetd working, but I had to do the module fix thing (i think its in the wiki for usb networking). Now I can compile to the shared smb drive and run it via telnet. W00t.
  15. S

    Uae2x 0.1alpha Wip

    Does anyone else find this too slow to use? I loaded up SCR and it was really slow. Then I loaded up cannon fodder and the sound was choppy and at the wrong speed. Luckily I have an Amiga 3000 on the desk next to me (in terms of the argument about who has the most amigas, I definitely win :))...
  16. S

    GP2X Sdhc Support

    and???? what was the conclusion?????
  17. S

    GP2X Embedding Assembler In C

    Hi all Im interested in learning some assembler for the gp2x, wrapped in C. Quick question tho - how do I know which registers I can use and which I cant? Obviously the compile C side of things will be using registers, but how do I know which are in use? or does it push all the registers to a...
  18. S

    Play Module With Mikmod.h

    OGG would have to be heavier than MOD??!?! What firmware are you running? If I send you the binary for this can you check if it works? Im wondering if your devkit is broken somehow......
  19. S

    GP2X A Decent Opengl Port For Gp2x At Any Time Soon?

    If you want fast 3d, buy a PSP.
  20. S

    Payback V1.1

    Just downloading the playable demo - in the video the car physics appear to be bloody awful.....