Windows 3.11

Rodent's Revenge

well this thread bit me and gave me the "can we do it?" bug.

So Ive tracked down a copy of win 3.11. I installed to a PC based dosbox. Copied in the installation folder to my memory card, made some modifications to the dosbox scripts.
And....It works, the boot time isnt bad at all. Maybe 20/30 sec tops. The graphics were compressed as program manager doesnt start filling the entire screen. I didnt have a mouse hooked up so i was limited on what I could do.

I tried loading the file manager, seemed to hang, I gave up on it.
I tired loading the msdos window and it went kind of nuts.

Im going to double check the memory settings and hook up a mouse through my bob. More details to come.
Pickle: Sounds *kinda* exciting. Does dosbox support USB mice and keyboards?
Miika said:
Pickle: Sounds *kinda* exciting. Does dosbox support USB mice and keyboards?
It does in windows version, so im expecting it would in the GP2X linux version. I will find out tonight.
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sehs33 said:
@Pickle: And I even have DOS 6.22 + new blank 5.25 floppy disks :P
I have a stack (maybe 500) of brand new DSDD 5.25" floppies :)

Just thought Id mention it just in case someone hooks a floppy drive to the gp2x :D
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To make the GP2X really retro they should have included a floppy drive instead of a SD slot. It just does not feel right when you play some old games and you dont have to eject the current disk and insert the next one to load the next level.
linoleum13 said:
To make the GP2X really retro they should have included a floppy drive instead of a SD slot. It just does not feel right when you play some old games and you dont have to eject the current disk and insert the next one to load the next level.
Are you insane?! I would much rather prefer a cassette deck! They could have made it kinda like the PSP's UMD drive, just with cassettes. You could insert C64 tapes (or other systems that use tapes) in there and launch the emulator! How much more retro wouldn't that be? Ohh it would be so coool.
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