Well..... You know..... A few few few years ago there was a nice opensource handhelds site named gp32x..... :) i was loving the gp32 and the gp2x scene, i followed it All Day and All Night . ow yes just every day there was some nice news about new emus and games..... I loved ZodTTD and his psx...
720p mkv is possible yes, maybe it can take a while to get it right. take a look here
720p eats indeed lots of cpu power.
To save the accu/battery power of the pandora it seems much beter to...
Thanks for the update, just started playing with the new update this morning, and i love the software scaler, most games run perfect, only a few with stuttering sound. Big ThanX
Ahhhhh :D, This is Great
Superfrog and Soccer Kid played oke with overclock on my Gp2x, but not really smoooth.
And what i see with this Raw Port, It already looks great and smooty.
Keep up the Good work ^^
Big ThnX to Ed for al his hard work with GPH and the GP32/Gp2X/Pandora/Wiz Community, Also Thanks to GPH for listening to his wishes, and tumbs for all your Opensource Devices Old and New.
Just keep checking these forums about our needs :D
Hehehehe, Seems i Need that one to :D
Is it that good, The old gp32 Flu screen.
Can you play it with ease, how much beter then the Gp2x screen ?
Damnzz I've got to make lots of Extra Hours for 3 systems now :)
That sounds promising, A little shade can be find anywhere, Just wear a big Hat, Or turn my back to the Sun.
Thnx for the info Guys, and for testing Ruckage.