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  1. sparkymark

    Improving Uae4All's Compatiblitiy

    WHHHAATTTTTTT!! I shall be checking that tonight - my copies must be messed up maybe
  2. sparkymark

    How Do I Activate The Video Out?

    and me
  3. sparkymark

    Improving Uae4All's Compatiblitiy

    as soon as I can have Supercars 2 working I'll be a happy chap, and wings of fury
  4. sparkymark

    Power Drain Differs On Two Pandoras....

    hohum, I have the same problem. Take the battery out and it will stay at 100% for aaaages. Stick it in the Pandora and it drops 25% a night. Is this a faulty Pandora, or something I should put up with. I thought it was the battery so got a replacement but it looks to be a Pandora issue. I now...
  5. sparkymark

    Shoulder Buttons In Deadbeef

    Hi, Is there any reason why I cannot set the shoulder buttons as a global hotkey in deadbeef? would be v handy for playing mp3's with the lid shut, no? sorry if this has been answered - I'm at work and don't have the time for searching.
  6. sparkymark

    I'm Experiencing Discharge

    Hi, I have received another battery from OP, but am still experiencing discharge - ooh errr. I shut down at 76%. About 18hours later it was at 54%. I then left it till the next day and it was 36% so I'm getting about a 20% discharge per night when switched off. Is there any way my pandora...
  7. sparkymark

    What Are You Eating?

    I'd be careful, simple sugars can be converted to fat very easy. Calories are Calories which ever way you look at it, the only difference is the amount of energy it takes to metabolise them. Any questions fire away, my gf is a diabetes specialist dietitian. The above was my own thoughts though...
  8. sparkymark

    Fix Bowing Lcd Bezel

    I want to fix mine - it's only a small amount of bowing, but it's the little things that niggle. I'm just hesitant to try whilst the orders are still backed up in case I crack my LCD or something :D
  9. sparkymark

    Lifespan Of Li Batteries

    woot, message from the lovely lady - new battery and right shoulder button on it's way tomorrow
  10. sparkymark

    Lifespan Of Li Batteries

    ?why does mine completely discharge after about 3 days then - is the Pandora sucking some charge out of the battery even when it's turned off, or do I have a dud battery?
  11. sparkymark

    Beta Mame 106

    oh cool, thanks
  12. sparkymark

    Beta Mame 106

    has this been updated to include correct and saved controls yet? just wondering If I have missed the pnd?
  13. sparkymark

    Tv Out Cable Please

    if you can only buy the connector in bulk, how come the other guy has managed to make one himself - did he just have the connector lying about? Is there not somewhere else you can buy the connector from?
  14. sparkymark

    Beta Ommpc

    any screenies around? (at work)
  15. sparkymark

    Awesome Background

    Spose it depends if you watch 'How I met Your Mother'
  16. sparkymark

    Awesome Background

    saw this on a reddit thread a while back, resized for Pandora, Iknow it's not console related but I like it anyway :D Awsome Background posted this on the wiz forum by accident as well doh!
  17. sparkymark

    Battery flat after 3-4 days

    well my battery only lasta about 3-4days switched off so I don't see how I will get a few weeks in low power mode, unless keeping it switched off slows the discharge? (honest question).
  18. sparkymark

    So What's Up With The Launch Party?

    I'd be up for some drinks. I have a house up near Manchester (has been up for sale for over a year grumble grumble), but am living down in Stamford, East Midlands so South is fine for me also. Hire somewhere cheap out with a bar - nice! Can I bring a date? - lol as if she's not fed up enough of...
  19. sparkymark

    Working Port Of Gngeo

    woohoo, can't wait to try this later - freakin love those neogeo puzzle games
  20. sparkymark

    Pnd Issues

    TBH I haven't done a hard reset in ages - I do a lot of sd card taking in and out but always eject properly on the pc