How Do I Activate The Video Out?

Sorry to ask another dumb question but roughly how much per unit excluding shipping are we talking? I'd be down for 3 normal ones and a custom travel one like Pleng is suggesting in the UK if it's not too much.
zevdawg said:
How many do you guys think we'll actually need?

I'm ready&willing for the task, as long as people are serious and it's not just an up in the air thing. Though someone has got to make a few homemade breakout boards too (I'd be willing to send you a few beers if up to said challenge). That's just me though, I'm curious to tinker around on one (and would put it to good use) :P

Hi zevdawg, are you still intending on buying these? Any idea when? :P

Also, the breakout board doesn't really do all that much... perhaps you could make yourself a breadboard version?
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@Zevdawg: Actually, how to pay? I can easy pay with card (which You probably can't accept), paypal (maybe possible for You) or direct money transfer (quite expensive as banks charge big fee).
zevdawg said:
I'll probably wind up going for 250 at the most at this point, as it's a happy medium for me financially. I'll order more, if more are needed (yes, I'd be willing to do a second run if it came down to that) - otherwise this first batch will be purchased either tomorrow or Friday.

Can ship anywhere; this will be via Canada Post as it's closest to me.
I'm only charging for cost of the end product, plus shipping. This will be figured out on a per-order basis.

So ~8 more weeks to go (plus the time it takes for me to receive it at my warehouse) B)

Count me in for one, plus I live in Waterloo, On if that helps!
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Does anybody know which cellphone models use this connector - if we can work that out (it is after all a cellphone multi A/V connector AFAIK) then we can just buy mass produced cables releativly cheaply and chop them up to our needs.

I wonder why this connector was choosen - in an open source device, it's made it difficult to play with the device. I'm sure there must be a similarly specced connector that offers the same that could have been choosen?
What's the problem with this connector? It's cheap, easy to find, does what needs doing. The only problem is that all the companies that supply it expect minimum orders. You'd have the same problem choosing a different connector going through these same companies.
And for the record, I've never seen a 14 pin connector this small with this form factor. I don't think there are very many others that would have done the job. Sure, they could have knocked off 2 GPIO lines and dropped it to 12 pins, of which there are many, but when he designed it I'm betting MWeston was thinking more about functionality than how easy it would be for end users to buy them in small quantities, and I don't blame him that decision.
Did the guy in question actually order the units? Are we now just waiting for delivery? If not what's the minimum order? $35? I can cover that.
Looks like not :(. I'll order a few hundred at the end of the month when I have some funds. Will be selling them via Panda USB. Will also try and find somebody to make up some tv-out breakout connectors. There's a local electronics shop around here that should be able to do it, hopefully at a reasonable price.
I'm currently getting a quote for ~100. I'll keep y'all posted.
Just been offered 500 MOQ, but they're looking for a split pack :)
MOQ - Minimum order quantity.

Split Pack - Looking for a packet that has been opened with the hope of findng < 500.

As I said before I'll also buy some 5-10 if someone gets some to sell :)
The site that was posted somewhere in this thread didn't have such a minimum. It had a minimum basket value of $35 for those from the US, which worked out to about 50 pieces, but otherwise no minimum. Where did you get a quote from?