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  1. Vanguard

    Caanoo Emu Pack & Fact Sheets

    Sehr schön Yoshi ! Danke auch, dass jetzt einige Computer-Emus mit von der Party sind. ^_^
  2. Vanguard

    Kaufberatung: A320 , A380 oder A320e ?

    Preis -> Caanoo fast doppelt so viel wie ein Dingoo A320 Akku -> Der Dingoo läuft auch fast doppelt so lange mit dem Akku (was ich bisher in meinen wenigen "Sitzungen" so in etwa bestätigen kann) Denke mal das sind zwei der "Hauptargumente" für Dingoo Käufer (Ich habe aber trotzdem Caanoo und...
  3. Vanguard

    Kaufberatung: A320 , A380 oder A320e ?

    Hallo miteinander, wie bekomme ich heraus, welchen A320 ich habe? Hab ihn vor gut einem Monat bei dealextreme bestellt, zu der Zeit war der Artikel noch über das Warehouse UK erhältlich. Er war dann relativ schnell bei mir (knapp eine Woche). Bin mir jetzt unsicher, da markarel von einem...
  4. Vanguard

    WIZ OLED Display lebensdauer ?

    Ist ja nicht gerade ein Musterbeispiel an sachlicher Berichterstattung, vor allem die Fotos! Man beachte auch die Kommentare zu diesem Artikel. Also ich hab mir vor kurzem einen gebrauchten Wiz zugelegt, und kann über den Bildschirm nichts negatives berichten, im Vergleich zum Caanoo halt ein...
  5. Vanguard

    V: Wiz

    Hallo erstmal, ist der noch zu haben ?
  6. Vanguard

    Kopfhörer-Buchse kaputt?

    Da wirkt ein kleiner Schnitt mit einem Cuttermesser "kleine" Wunder, und dann hauts auch hin, mit dem Anschluss durch die Schutzhülle hindurch.
  7. Vanguard

    worms port?

    What we really need is Liero, enabled for the wireless link. : )
  8. Vanguard

    MAME on hold

    I'm waiting for the MD emulator so I can play Buck Rogers and Shadowrun anywhere. :)
  9. Vanguard


    NiMH batteries should not be fully discharged on a regular basis, as this puts undue strain on the crystals. Li-Ion batteries are good in terms of memory and storage discharge, but they hold less and less charge over time. After a few years, they won't hold much of a charge anymore. Check...
  10. Vanguard

    Rise Of The Dragon - Old Amiga game

    Actually, it's a Sega CD, not a 32x. Not trying to be nitpicky, but if he actually ends up buying the stuff, I'd hate for him to buy the wrong thing. I had it for my SegaCD, it was great. You guys are probably right about the lack of an Amiga emulator in progress. Sorry to have jumped to a...
  11. Vanguard

    Rise Of The Dragon - Old Amiga game

    Thanks for the Sarien you could probably tell, I know next-to-nothing about it. Please forgive me if I was spreading untrue rumors, but I thought I heard that the latest programming competition opened up entries for Amiga Emulators (among other things) by request...which would imply...
  12. Vanguard

    MAME on hold

    Not exactly: The Genesis has a faster CPU than the SNES, but much less in the way of graphics and sound "helper" chips. If anything, this should mean that a Genesis Emulator will be easier to get running at a decent speed than a SNES emulator. Granted, I'm not an Emulator writer myself, so if...
  13. Vanguard

    Rise Of The Dragon - Old Amiga game

    I'm not sure: An amiga emulator is in the works, which would allow you to (hopefully) play that game. Also, Rise of the Dragon was released on the PC by Sierra...does anyone know if it will run on Sarien? (Sarien is sort-of an emulator for old Sierra adventure games, but I don't think that...
  14. Vanguard

    GP32 Allegro

    Hey Craigix, Just wondering about the status of your partial Allegro port. Not trying to rush ya, just curious. Thanks
  15. Vanguard

    GP32 Artist looking for a programmer...

    Ok, I'll bite. I've been looking for some inspiration to get coding on my GP32 for a while now. I'll need a few more details though. drop me an email at engl1279 (at) uidaho (dot) edu replace the (at) with @ and the (dot) with . of course.
  16. Vanguard


    An MP3 faq would be good. Be sure to dispel the rumor of the gp32 being only able to play 128kb/s files.
  17. Vanguard

    Firmware Flashing

    I flashed mine with fresh batteries and an adapter plugged in. However, a power outage/unplugged cord could still cause enough of a power fluctuation to screw up the flashing process. It might be useful to ask some of the people whose flash didn't work properly what they think the problem was...
  18. Vanguard

    Mp3 - 128kbps... I'm confused!?!

    Don't worry, you're not going to break the GP32 by playing higher bitrate MP3s. My guess is that they just didn't fully test MP3s at other bitrates, so they just made a remark in the manual that you can only play 128kb/s mp3s. I play high-bitrate files all the time, they work well. I have yet...
  19. Vanguard

    GP32 power indicator

    Hmm... Well, it's hard to say without testing it, and I wouldn't want to test it on my GP32. : ) It really depends on the specific components used and their power rating. 3.6v isn't really that much more than 3, so it should be ok...but it's something I wouldn't risk for the minimal gain...
  20. Vanguard

    GP32 power indicator

    This is a simplified explanation: The mAh (milliAmp-hours) rating is how much energy the battery holds before going dead. The Voltage is how much energy is being put out at any one time. With alkaline batteries, the voltage drops steadily as the mAh is drained, until the voltage isn't enough...