worms port?


Still Fresh
Apr 16, 2003
i emailed team17 about them releasing the source for the original worms game, it would make such a better game than rally pop. they didnt say yes but they didnt completely blow it out the window. i suggest mass email till they do! its war!!
this might work. I e-mailed them a few months back but I can't rember the reply. Worms is the best dos game ever.
i cant! my stupid dad deleted it, but it something along the lines of "we have no intention of releasing the source at this time yada yada yada worms is still avaliable to buy" bla blah. It would make the best port ever!
Yes my friends, worm is a fantastic game (not the snes one mind you :P )

However I believe that Factor 5 (creators?) are/is still using the original source code to develop some of the newer 'worms' games, as they are roughly based around the same engine.

Good Luck getting that code.

P.S. If you really could get the source for it, that would be totally awesome.
They are unlikey to give out the source just yet. At present they are developing Worms3D and I suspect aside from the new 3d rendering engine, most of the physics stuff remains the same. If they were to release the source then someone might pip them to the post and release a 3D version before them! fingers crossed then :)

Don't think they aren't releasing the source because it's being used for a 3D version.
The 'newer' Worms games are perhaps a 90% rewrite of the source.
Worms 3D is a complete rewrite as well.

Real reason - marketing, Team17 still need to protect the Worms copyright and design, if they open-source it anything could happen to the engine. Also there are ports of Worms Armaggedon etc. for the Gameboy (Advance?) and a GP32 port could be seen as competing with it.

However it would not be hard to port an open-source equivalent of Worms, or code a clone from scratch... Worms is a simple game, really, it was cutting-edge then but an experienced group of coders could make it very quickly.

- Rico
I bet if you ask the 2 people who did Rally Pop to give you the source, they'll gladly give it to you :P
yeah liero would be good! shame the source aint released....n all the clones are a bit shit :(

Thats probably the best clone ofliero. It runs in windows/linux and has TCP/IP multiplayer (up to 4 players) and heapsmore guns and features. However, it would be a bitch to port to the GP32 cos of the programming language its built on, Pascal.

Youd have to pretty much rewrite everything, which is why for a game like Worms, its probably better to just start from scratch and create a clone.
Hmm that clone seems to be identical .... most are missing an indescribable 'something'. However it's not as hard to port as you think, GCC has a Pascal frontend, and converters are available.

- Rico