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  1. Jaylink

    I Always Laugh When I Think About How You Guys Got Scammed

    Well..... You know..... A few few few years ago there was a nice opensource handhelds site named gp32x..... :)  i was loving the gp32 and the gp2x scene, i followed it All Day and All Night . ow yes just every day there was some nice news about new emus and games..... I loved ZodTTD and his psx...
  2. Jaylink

    Looking for a php script that list content of a folder + size + date.

    Hi, i hope this can help you Edit: oeps i posted same one as TrashyMG
  3. Jaylink

    There we go! (2012-02-28)

    Good work OP Team , Starting to believe that i can to play with my pandora this summer..... :) Awesome.....!!!
  4. Jaylink

    Release Giana's Return V1.0 (Pandora)

    Excelent, great to see this game is ready to play when i get the Pandora, ThanQ
  5. Jaylink

    Release Pcsx-Rearmed

    Big Thank Notaz, Super nice present for all of us. I Wish you a awesome X-mass :) :)
  6. Jaylink


    Ooooo.... Big Thanks for this synth, This is a Awesome release that i dint expect. Time to undust my Machine and do some Sound Creating. B)
  7. Jaylink

    Beta Neon Optimized Build Of Pandora Fractals

    Awesome to see Fractals on the Pandora, Psy and Fracktal animation is almost my Pr0N...... Big Thnx ^^
  8. Jaylink

    Is done and Far away from You

    Is done and Far away from You
  9. Jaylink

    Is done and Far away from You

    Is done and Far away from You
  10. Jaylink

    Ommpc2X Version 0.4.0

    Looks awesome, gonna test it now. To take it with me tomorrow on hollyday. Maybe also translation to dutch. ThnX :D
  11. Jaylink

    The Gp2X Hack 2X Model Is Complete!

    Oww man, Excelent piece of work, get in touch with GPH for the GP2X F400
  12. Jaylink

    Where Are The News :)

    ThnX ED nice info ^^ As long it will be released just before x-mas then im happy :)
  13. Jaylink

    Running Anime 720 Mkvs?

    720p mkv is possible yes, maybe it can take a while to get it right. take a look here 720p eats indeed lots of cpu power. To save the accu/battery power of the pandora it seems much beter to...
  14. Jaylink

    Gpsp V0.9-2xb-u6

    Thanks for the update, just started playing with the new update this morning, and i love the software scaler, most games run perfect, only a few with stuttering sound. Big ThanX
  15. Jaylink

    Pxml File Format Defintion

    Sounds great to Me :D, Having all info in 1 view is pretty handy.
  16. Jaylink

    Release Fullspeed Amiga Emulation On Pandora!

    Ahhhhh :D, This is Great Superfrog and Soccer Kid played oke with overclock on my Gp2x, but not really smoooth. And what i see with this Raw Port, It already looks great and smooty. Keep up the Good work ^^
  17. Jaylink

    The Wiz Gets Proper Buttons And A 3.5mm Headphone Jack

    Big ThnX to Ed for al his hard work with GPH and the GP32/Gp2X/Pandora/Wiz Community, Also Thanks to GPH for listening to his wishes, and tumbs for all your Opensource Devices Old and New. Just keep checking these forums about our needs :D
  18. Jaylink

    Gph: The Wiz - Official Announcement

    Hehehehe, Seems i Need that one to :D Is it that good, The old gp32 Flu screen. Can you play it with ease, how much beter then the Gp2x screen ? Damnzz I've got to make lots of Extra Hours for 3 systems now :)
  19. Jaylink

    Gph: The Wiz - Official Announcement

    That sounds promising, A little shade can be find anywhere, Just wear a big Hat, Or turn my back to the Sun. Thnx for the info Guys, and for testing Ruckage.
  20. Jaylink

    Gph: The Wiz - Official Announcement

    Anyone knows if the Wiz Oled screen or pandora´s Lcd is good in Sunlight. I hope 1 is good enough to play outside in sunny places.