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  1. E

    [WTB] Pandora Rebirth Edition

    Hello all! I'm looking to get a Pandora. I followed it a very long time ago and just found my way back not realizing how long it had been since I had even looked at a Pandora. I collect handhelds and I definitely want to get one in decent shape for my collection and maybe some light use before...
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    Order In Line? Please

    i concur Etinin. i bought mine after midnight the pre-order day in the usa eastern time. i'm not sure exactly when they started as i work. so who knows how long it was on sale for. i'm sure it was more then 6 hours. so that means what? i'm looking for a solid estimated date when we will receive...
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    Order In Line? Please

    i was curious if we could possibly get a way to find out what number we are in line. apparently they know exactly where we are as they tell the re-orderers that they will not loose their place in line. ok so what place am i? i may sound like a big male genitalia when i say this but if i'm going...
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    why wouldn't it have the original balancing? i'm not surprised that people want starcraft on the pan. B)
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    i was curious if it would be even pheesable(sp?) to port this over to the arm processor. i wish i was a good enough programmer to do this and have the knowlegde to port but i plan on waiting til i get my hands on my pandora before i go in depth into studing more programming then i know.
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    you guys fail to realize that windows95 could possibly run through qemu or dosbox and thus allowing starcraft to run. they got win9x on the psp just not enough ram and such to get it going good. it doesnt take much to run starcraft at all. ran great on my old 133mhz :blink: laptop back in the day.
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    has anyone thought about or is attempting to find a way to get starcraft on the arm processor. it wiould sell thousands of second batch units to just have this game. portable multiplayer starcraft!
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    This Is Insane.

    i look at it as i have spent my money on an entrepreneur company. just hoping they make it big and if not atleast i got a cool @ss pocket computer before they go under.(not that they will go under ;) )
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    Completed Pandora Pics

    Same here. interest has totally gone down. i don't even check the board everyday. once completed pics are posted and they are shipping my unit, then i will be totally excited to get down to business. ;)
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    Gentoo Linux - Taking it On!

    well i'm sure glad i'm not the only one ecentric about getting gentoo on the pandora! :D my question is are you going to try to compile a desktop manager? i normaly use gnome, but that kinda requires memory. i was thinking maybe icewm or xfce. didn't know if you had a plan to figure what is...
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    Special Pandora promotion?

    it's probably a certificate with the number of pandora that you got. woot woot! 2376 outta 4577! <_< so slow to order.
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    Anyway to emulate or closely emulate a pandora?

    Curious how i would go about building a distro of gentoo -arm for the pandora. is there a way to setup qemu close to what the pandoras specs are? just wanting to start my own personalization quest. wanna get gentoo on it. not a big fan of ubuntu
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    Pandora Questions And Answers

    hello! i'm pretty new to linux. don't get me wrong i have a pc running suse and have messed with linux all the time. got gentoox on my xbox1. anyways i figured out how to get things running and my way around lots of distros.i just have never compiled a distro all on my own. nor have i tried...
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    The "how Many Have Been Sold?" Thread

    So i was just curious if we could get a count on how many have sold. it would be great to watch this fine piece of techno weinie love sell out fast. also i was curious if the ones that bought from the first batch get a certificate of authenticity or not. this is a monumental event. took us so...
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    Pandora Newsgroup?

    hey if there was a newsgroup for the pandora i could upload alot of romsets as i have so damn many of them.(including psx complete,dreamcast, n64 and such) it would take awhile but i'm sure others would help. plus upload the optimized software and emulators to run the roms. i think a...
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    Just Curious About Everyone...

    Am i the only one that gets the feeling that most the the people that arn't up to snuff on the pandora. saying that they are waiting in line to pre-order one, but are just confused about what it really is for. there are many that know what its main purpose is and you know who you are. if you...