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    Getting Mame4All (+Other Emus) To Load A 2000+ Gamelist Super Fast&#33

    if alphabetizing the roms folder is all the issue is there's an alternative method - you could use "FAT Sorter" - you wouldn't have to delete and copy over 2000+ files again, just re-organize them on your card. I've used this many, many times for the mp3 player in my car stereo
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    Falling Block Puzzle Game.

    WUB! Good to see you around bro! I wish I had a Dingoo to test this on lol
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    Can You Tell Me The Best Sega Cd Games ?

    Snatcher, Road Avenger, Shining Force, and Sonic CD.
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    Happy 420!

    yup, happy 420 to you all! Check this pic stoners!
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    My Advance Wars Game

    wow...just wow... please keep it up, i really want to play this! :)
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    F100 Mk2 Dpad Mod

    no, the rubber membrane, I think I messed my gamecube one up, you could feel it was a lot "looser" than the other 3 buttons. Mine ended up using a NES controller's board and rubber membrane with a gameboy color d-pad. -try it with the lid off with the membrane on. is it still oversensitive...
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    F100 Mk2 Dpad Mod

    I think mine did that. I ended up using a membrane from a NES controller.
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    F100 Mk2 Dpad Mod

    congrats! you should be able to tweak it to working correctly closed now. Sorry I can't tell you the name of the double sided tape I used. It was something my dad had around. I had originally bought some 3m stuff that was like a foam that was too thick. The stuff I ended up using looked...
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    F100 Mk2 Dpad Mod

    not quite, you went from a 16-way to an 8-way. Although you are using only 4 actual directions now, you can press 2 at a time for diagonals, which count as another 4 directions.
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    F100 Mk2 Dpad Mod

    well, I'm not sure of your pinouts, but by looking at your pics, I'd say start at your solder points. a couple of them look they look like they are touching, and that could be what is going on. I'd start trying to desolder those bad connections. Did you use flux to help keep the solder only...
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    F100 Mk2 Dpad Mod

    hey, I had similar problems on mine. My problem was that the double sided tape was too thick with the circuit board, the rubber membrane, and the dpad in it. I'd try to first get some thinner double sided tape and see how that goes. You could also leave the system apart and turn it on to see...
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    Pandora At Maxconsole

    LOL! thanks to that I almost choked on my dinner! :D Also, while I haven't posted in a while, I have been watching the Pandora like a hawk and I can't wait! I can tell you that you'll be selling at least 2 of them from the 1st consumer batch here in Florida. ;) Keep up the great work, guys! :)
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    My Gp2x Directional Mod

    nice work! :D
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    Custom Painting A Gp2x?

    mine is painted... pics are in the sig...
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    The Micro-switch D-pad Mode

    very nice! I might have to revisit mine someday as I'm not 110% happy with it yet! ;) ::EDIT:: after looking at it again, how are you getting a center pivot out of that exactly? aren't you able to hit all 4 directions at once right now??
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    Pandora Rpg Gaming Diablo 2 On Pandora.

    the 1st Diablo should work in the playstation emulator (which should be full-speed) but Diablo 2..... I don't think so...
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    Unofficial Top 100 Emulated Games For Gp2x

    heh, back in the gp32 days, I had a blog called GameProbe32 that just reviewed games that worked great on the GP32 that were a blast to play. I had a lot of help from friends in the community. frolik and alinsanfran would post a lot of articles, and a few others like thewub submitted articles...
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    Site Division

    it just takes someone like YOU to do something like that. If you think you'd use it and others too, then start researching and set up a page!
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    Coin Button On The F200?

    probably Williams games like Robotron and Joust. if I'm not mistaken you have to do a factory reset within the game first before you can play it. It's been a while though, so I can't remember the buttons to press exactly...
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    D-pad Mod For Gp2x?

    the forums? my signature has links but you have to read... :P it's harder than it looks though, be forewarned... I'm not trying to tell you not to try, but just make sure you have some skills or at least a lot of determination and the want to learn. Oh yeah, also have lots of hackable parts...