Happy 420!

It is generally against my principals to "holla" back, forth or in any direction...

Happy 420.
i celebrated yesterday. 419 aka eliminate stupid parts of drug culture day
Can't cos I have a math exam tomorrow I have to cram for <_<

Might rip some kush or something either tomorrow night or wednesday. Better late than never?
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I don't get it. I've smoked weed for longer than a lot of you guys have been alive and I don't know the significance of 420. Is this an American thing?
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420's origin is debated, but here are the most accepted theories:
1) Police call number ( in Bronx?) for weed offences
2) Hitler's birthday
3) Somethin to do with bob marley

It probably is just an american thing....
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blah , most plausible story i heard is the one about the kids smoking weed after detention: at 4h20
In america most of the detentions finish at 4 in high school.
so it became like a code word

" yooo dude 420 at your house ! "

Then it just became the name of the act of blazing.
That's the one you hear the most... That and:
uhhh isn't it the birth or death of bob marley??? ( but if you look at birth and death of bob ... it doesn't make sense )

anyway , don't ask me what i was doing on 420 :D
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4/20 is actually not marijuana day, but 'drug possession free-for-all arrest-a-thon competition in the 54th district' day
Not here in Montreal its not. Its crazy to see all the people every year blazing like crazy downtown and not having the police to do nothing about it... They left us that day at least !

EDIT: Its mostly happening right there on the Mount royal in the middle of the city CODE