yeah im enjoyin no2 very much. :D im also playin goldeneye doom at the moment an words cant describe its greatness. If only there was an actual sonic rom for the snes. It annoys me not bien able to play FGen with sound.
Whatever happened to dragopnballGP? with some speciall moves an stuff the game may hav bn excellent? also collision detection? Are any others in the works or opensource? The snes ones can be quite slow even on opensenes9xgp.
Ah gutted thanks 4 that. I guess were screwed for a copy on gp32 then. Ive learnt somethin new mind u. O yeah ive just read bout those ppl stealing source codin from half life 2 lmao. Thank god that wasnt me. :P
Thanks 4 that Ill hav a rummage round. I dunno where ill find the coding mind. Any1 know anythin about this sort of stuff? sorry im a complete noob at this.
Yeah some good points actually. If it was possible to only run rpgs at a playable speed even id b happy for it has golden sun. I still aint played the sequel tho
even after finishin the original. Anyway.. back to gp32 land. Sorry to post another thread. Its spoken about too much. Still I think...
As I do not know anything about coding personally i am not sure about this but does anyone think that using the same method as coding opensnes9x, a GBA emulator with the same output could be created. I would love to be able to play brokensword for example at a fairly decent speed on my gp.
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