you know how in school you had those typing classes where u used typing programs to make you type faster?
well i wish someone could develop a typing program for the gp32 wind-up's quad 9 keyboard
maybe a typing game or something
i'd definitely give it A+ in coding competitions
STOIK video converter-> VideoPak
for you future reference, this program converts from wmv to avi, it is very useful
download your shareware copy, today!
its an allergic reaction
did you use a new deodorant? this is most likely the case if you are male, otherwise u got an allergic reaction from another chemical
this happened to me once
here, i made a separate post with a link in case moderators need to delete the post
my apologizes if im not suppose to, i will accept the warning if its not suppose to be distributed (well, it did turn free, right? lol)
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